Install Aetherwars: Infinite

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Aetherwars: Infinite) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Aetherwars: Infinite from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Aetherwars: Infinite Version r0.5

created by Darkmega on Minecraft 1.7.10 using Technic Solder

Aetherwars: Infinite updated to version r0.3.4b


+Added Forestry
+Added BDlib
+Added Gendustry
+Added Magic Bees
You can blame my friend for the above 4 additions. :V too bad for the lack of extra bees etc. :<

+Added NEI Integration
+Added NEI Addon
+Updated Pams Harvestcraft
+Updated Botania
+Updated Forge to latest 1614 so to accomodate newest forestry etc

+Added aether values to a lot of machines and simple components from forestry to jump start the bee revolution. If anyone has aether suggestions for some of the bee components based on what they think they should cost, please tell me. Cause I'm clueless for bees and what they should be costing. >_<

+Added Aether values to botania mana powder and it's various grass seeds.

+Added Aether values to ethereal glass and it's variants.

+Added new recipes for various spawn eggs made using the enderdragon egg (ender draygon egg isn't consumed. except when making infinity egg for witchery)

+Spawn egg recipes can be made using the witchery infinity egg also.

+Added 2 new quests to "tools of the trade" talking about cannibalism knives cause playerflesh/villager flesh is used for the genetics clusters and biome painters.

+Added quest after the end dimension quest about getting the enderdragon egg and split it off into a 3 day cooldown quest that allows you to release the egg to resummon the dragon (useful for unleashing hell upon the world or getting enderdragon genetics. :o).

+Made creative blood magic orb require only eldritch orb from forbidden magic, instead of either eldritch or transcended orbs.

+Because dragon egg is used for a quest to resummon dragons but infinity egg is a thing, added recipe to get back normal dragon egg and refund 5 eternal blocks and the pure crystal used in the infinity egg's crafting.

+Added quest in "Back in the day" about artificial hives and the ability to induction furnace them into some types of hives.
Darkmega posted a changelog update for Aetherwars: Infinite 9 years ago


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Latest Update

AAand we're back. How long it lasts? I've got no idea, but we'll see. :)