Install Aetherwars: Infinite

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Aetherwars: Infinite) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Aetherwars: Infinite from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Aetherwars: Infinite Version r0.5

created by Darkmega on Minecraft 1.7.10 using Technic Solder

Aetherwars: Infinite updated to version r0.3.5

+Added Apocalypse (Better handled mob scaling, among other things like full moon base raids and anywhere spawns in thunderstorms, finish the war quickly and don't get overwhelmed. more reason to use base defense too)

+Added Cosmetic Armor (Cause difficult life's vanity slots dun broke)

+Added Invisizones (Ninja bases!)

+Added Key Bindings Overhaul (Might help with keybind issues?)

+Added Ex Core (needed by Invisi-zones)

+Added Special AI (Time to have a bad time. :3)

+Added RF Tools (energy shields? Myst style dimensions but with power contraints? yet another kind of teleporter but also a portable one? yes plz.)

+Added mcjtylib (Required for RFtools)

+Added Armor Overlay (for when 10 bars of armor icons isn't enough. :V)

+Added Armor Status HUD (although Ars does a similar thing on it's gui, hopefully this bigger that is always on might make people pay more attention to their armor. ;))

+Added Damage indicators (About time we had some better health bar displays)

+Added Status effect hud (same sorta thing.)

+Added Armor sets (ever had trouble switching armor a lot for different uses or "specialty play"? well, here you go. make it a little easier)

+Added No more Recipe conflicts (Probably a few things around that had that issue with a pack this big)

+Added Custom main menu (It was about time I did this main menu up a little)

+Added Resource loader (so I can get my images for the main menu. :V)

=Updated Automagy
=Updated Forbidden Magic
=Updated Botania
=Updated Chisel
=Updated Cofhcore
=Updated Thermal Foundation
=Updated Thermal Expansion
=Updated Redstone Arsenal
=Updated Dragon API
=Updated Just a few Fish
=Updated Loot++
=Updated NEI
=Updated NEI Integration
=Updated Ender Storage
=Updated Forestry
=Updated Magic Bees
=Updated Mekanism
=Updated HQM
=Updated Technomancy
=Updated Tinkers Mechworks
=Updated Openblocks Lib
=Updated OpenBlocks

+Made a new main menu! :D

+Return of Danmaku fairies! (softly. like 10% as many as default. cause they fill up quick. :V)

+Difficult Life all turned off except for hearts.

+Special mob types are higher spawn rate.

+Mobs will now come hunting for your lights normally, and cause of apocalypse a full moon makes them come for you!

+invisizones default recipes (and aether values) changed to be higher tech.

+Packaged the options txt with the pack this time to reset everyones controls cause a new mod handles them. Since freshly installing keybindings overhaul makes your keys all reset to blank for some silly reason. So this is to save everyone the trouble of figured out what happened. :)

+Made maximum sized biospheres slightly smaller so we can hopefully have less half cut off moons. :V

+Added quests about invisizones, RFtools dimensions, cosmetic armor, and a heads up about mobs gradually getting stronger

+Added a new song to the list of Normal and PvP Battle Music and one new menu song and increased the cut-off distance a bit more. Now even more deadly to people trying to avoid getting copyright dunked! ... :V

+Also threw in some custom death messages and labels to the tinker tweaks custom level names resource pack.
Darkmega posted a changelog update for Aetherwars: Infinite 9 years ago


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Latest Update

AAand we're back. How long it lasts? I've got no idea, but we'll see. :)