Install Aetherwars: Infinite

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Aetherwars: Infinite) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Aetherwars: Infinite from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Aetherwars: Infinite Version r0.5

created by Darkmega on Minecraft 1.7.10 using Technic Solder

Aetherwars: Infinite updated to version a0.1.7

The "I CAN HAZ SOLDER! :O" Update!
+updated Applecore
+Updated Artifice
+updated Backpacks
+updated Better Storage
+Updated Extra Utilities
+updated Flans mods
+updated Ichunutils
+updated Lunatris Core
+Updated Pams harvestcraft
+Updated secret rooms
+Updated Schematica
+Updated Securitycraft
+Updated Simply Jetpacks
+Updated WAILA
Hopefully all these free updates I never knew about won't blow up in my face from all being in at once. >_>
+Added Dragonapi to fix potion ID woes.
+Added Useful TNT for something to use dragonapi with otherwise.
+updated botania ... again...
+updated Minefactory
+Updated Automagy
+added recipe for warmblood. Feed them vampires.
+Added super expensive recipe for Liliths Blood if doing quests isn't your thing.
+added Heart piece conversion recipes. (keep the pieces as quarters!)
-removed sync because of it's annoyances.
+but instead returned the pack to being HQM hardcore.
+Corpses that are destroyed will return quarter heart pieces from them. (don't die in the void!)
+lives can also be created from heart containers and tinkers hearts.
=Changed Geneticists set to no longer have sync
=added a way to create lives using THE POWER OF GENETICS!
=Improved all class starting coins by +1. (commander =2, sub = 4 and specialist = 6).
+For those who have nothing better to do but generate aether added super duper omgwtfbbq expensive recipes to a variety of "creative" equipment. I'll leave this up to better judgment for those who think otherwise. Use it if you want, ban it if you don't want.
Darkmega posted a changelog update for Aetherwars: Infinite 9 years ago


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Latest Update

AAand we're back. How long it lasts? I've got no idea, but we'll see. :)