Install All The Forge 6

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (All The Forge 6) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select All The Forge 6 from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

All The Forge 6 Version v6.16

created by TeamAMPZ on Minecraft 1.16.5

All The Forge 6 updated to version 1.6.0-(Beta-7)

All The Forge 6 - ATF6 | Patch Notes
Be sure to always backup your world(s) before updating!
1.6.0 (Beta 7)

+ Minecraft Forge (36.0.1 → 36.0.9)
+ TerraForged (0.2.0-RC-3 → 0.2.0)
+ Ars Nouveau (1.11.1 → 1.11.2)
+ Architectury API (1.3.88 → 1.5.104)
+ Geckolib (3.0.2 → 3.0.6)
+ CraftPresence (1.7.6 → 1.16.5-1.7.6)
+ Baubles (1.8.5 → 1.8.7)
+ Immersive Engineering (4.1.2-129 → 4.2.0-130)
+ Storage Drawers (8.2.1 → 8.2.2)
+ Macaw's Roofs (2.0.0 → 2.0.1)
+ Macaw's Furniture (2.0.0 → 2.0.1)
+ Macaw's Bridges (1.0.4 → 1.0.5)
+ Macaw's Doors (1.0.1 → 1.0.2)
+ Macaw's Trapdoors (1.0.0 → 1.0.1)
+ Mekanism ( →
+ Mekanism Generators ( →
+ Mekanism Tools ( →
+ Xaero's Minimap (21.1.0 → 21.1.1)
+ OptiFine (G7 Pre 1 → G7 Pre 4)
+ Quark (r2.4-297 → r2.4-299)
+ RandomPatches (2.1.5 → 2.2.1)

+ The recommended Java to run ATF6 is now (1.8.0_281-b09)
+ Added "Report a Bug" button located in the in-game pause menu
+ Small Main Menu Tweaks
+ Renamed "Disconnect" to "Save & Quit"
+ Disabled Xaero Update Checker
+ Disabled Quark's animal textures
+ Moved Minimap back to top right of screen

+ Torch Slabs Mod
+ Subterranean Wildnerness
+ XL Packets
+ Controllable
+ ModernUI
+ Controlling
+ GraveStone Mod
+ I Like Wood
+ I Like Wood Biomes O Plenty

+ Ding
+ It's The Little Things
+ Shutup experimental settings

Report any bugs & issues over at
TeamAMPZ posted a changelog update for All The Forge 6 4 years ago


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Latest Update

All The Forge 6 was updated to version v6.16