AllTech is an Alpha Modpack thta allow you to explorate the world of technology.
If you have always wanted to find a real technological modpack, Alltech is for you. Includes the most popular mods ever. Mod List: Coming Soon ...
This is an Alpha release, a continuation is not guaranteed.
Extract the files into any desired folder, open the "start.bat" file and allocate the memory you want, I recommend at least 2Gb.
If you want to replace the server with the Java application, use the "start.vbs" file
If you have set up the server with the classic cmd console, edit the "start.bat" file and from the end of the line listed "nogui", save and close, after which always use the "start.bat" file for selected.
Reference link for the "start.bat" script to modify it.
To create a world with Biome's or Plenty:
- Start the server for the first time
- Accept the conditions "eula.txt"
- Restart the server and wait until the upload is complete
- Turn off the server and delete the "world" folder that has just been generated
- Modify the "" file and set level-type = BIOMESOP
Recommendations for inserting additional mods and corrections are accepted. Comment below. Thanks