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I should be done with all off the config, dimension setup, and permissions in 3 days or less
also when will the server go up?
I should be done with all off the config, dimension setup, and permissions in 3 days or less.
Whenever I go to the comments for the update about the server it gives me a 404 message so... Count this as one of the five comments.
That is very odd, I'll look into that once I get the server hosted
Ok, so I've decided the primary server will be survival, but I'm also going to make a creative dimension people can go to via portals if I can get it to work
great then btw is the survival factions it better be..
I'll Try :)
Survival factions!!!!!
Okay guys, so I figured I could get out my old rig and run the server off of that but do you guys think the server should be creative or survival
i would be happy to take place as an admin or builder btw
xx_creeper Please
dont u want a voltz server that is acttaly popular!!!!
I mean the server
oh yesss please release it please please pleaseeeee
im quite good at building and would love you to open the server up
Please release it to the public please please please.
Hey guys, do you think I should add optifine or treecapacitor or both
i think u should add both btw
If I do get a server running, I'm going to need to get builders so please let me know if you are up to taking this position.
Guys I think I figured out a method to host a server through a service called ngrok. I will let you all know if I can get a server hosted through them.