Install Arise Of Heaven

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Arise Of Heaven) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Arise Of Heaven from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Arise Of Heaven Version 4.6.1 (Since Solder)

created by Giga 123 on Minecraft 1.10.2 using Technic Solder
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Just curious, is there an official public server for this Modpack, and if so, could I please know where to find the IP?
PrismaticSkull 4 years ago
Hi, sorry for the late reply; unfortunately no. I have no public servers for this project. Also, I'm trying to work on a proper Discord channel (so it will be easier writing questions).
Posted by Giga 123 4 years ago | Modpack Creator
Hi everyone, I hope that you've not experienced any bugs and crashes like I had. Basically, on the server if you've update it with an old world that have in the ground tombestones, you may have encounted some problems. For this reason, to avoid any problems of crashing and performance optimizations, I decided to add a mod that set on every world automatically a system of keepInventory rule-based (also removes block damage by creepers). I will update it asap, because the old Corail Tombstone was too much buggy and causes too many crashes on death. I'm so sorry if you've encounted those errors, but as we know, Minecraft (actually Java) and Forge are not perfectly coded and it cannot remove certain blocks. Anyway, there is still a way to recover your world. Try to use the NBTExplorer tool ( Just remove all the mod ids (the items) in your level.dat (you can use the Find text to search the value of the mod "tombstone" and delete both the 2 entries). In the next update (1.8) I will remove any tombstone mods anyway, to make the game a little bit easier and with less crashes and bugs (expecially for the VoxelMaps waypoints when you teleportate on your latest death). Anyway, Happy New Year to all of you, and keep playing and share my project with all your friends!
Giga 123 6 years ago
So, first of all, when you create a new world, you will have two minimaps. In order to remove the Xaerox's minimap (the square one) press "H", and then you are good to go. For the moment, that's all! Have fun! PS: If you want to enable the cheating mode with JEI, you must go into Mod Config and edit the JEI configs. Just enable the first line with "Item mode" or something... be sure to set it globally!
Giga 123 6 years ago
Link Map (Schematic): Shaders: Chocapic13's Shader & Robobo1221's Shader Chocapic: Robobo1221: Texturepack:
Giga 123 6 years ago

Latest Update

Hello there! Finally, my server is up and running again. I will take just some backups and snapshots, so if you will see it offline again it will be for a minute or two. Merry Christmas to all of you!