Install Baby's First Space Race

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Baby's First Space Race) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Baby's First Space Race from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Baby's First Space Race Version

created by Rocko Bonaparte on Minecraft 1.7.10
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Minor update on goings-on with the pack: I am still looking at the 1.10.2 landscape. There are still a lot of mods missing from there for me to make a transition to it. Namely, Galacticraft is missing. It would be hard to make the pack about space stuff without it! I would also love to get the CoFH mods in there too (Thermal Expansion and friends). There are some new mods, and lots of tweaks, but a lot of the other big guys have been updated: Ender IO, Mekanism, RFTools, Big Reactors, and I hear somebody is trying to migrate AE2. If they don't succeed, well, different people are coming up with new methods of doing some of that stuff. That being said, don't expect a major jump to 1.10.2 or anything for a long time.
Rocko Bonaparte 8 years ago
HELP! i updated to and when i make a world it shuts down please help me!
lamsas 8 years ago
I wouldn't be able to tell without a log. The one everybody works off is fml-client-latest.log. You can find that by clicking the "Modpack Options" gear icon towards the upper-right of the Technic Launcher screen for the pack. From there, it will show you the directory the modpack was installed in, and you can click the "Open" button to bring it up. Move down into the logs folder and it should be right there. If you don't know a place to dump that, put it up on and send me a link to it here. I can then figure out what's giving you trouble.
Posted by Rocko Bonaparte 8 years ago | Modpack Creator
thanks ill send it to here soon sorry i didnt reply for a long time
Posted by lamsas 8 years ago
Server updated. Take a look. Just to reiterate from the prior thread: it is not completely configured. It will just shove the player into the Overworld without all the starting stuff. For now, I recommend just dumping down a chest with all the basics like the rattle and quest books.
Rocko Bonaparte 8 years ago
Any chance of the server being updated to match the client pack? Your newest versions are incompatible with the download version.
clingonkelt 8 years ago
Yeah they're out of date. :( I have one big todo before everything gets updated. I figured out where the nether portals were coming from, and it involves me changing code in the support mod. It's something I have to verify works both client-side and server-side.
Posted by Rocko Bonaparte 8 years ago | Modpack Creator
To actually answer the question: I can't guarantee I update the server side again until Sunday night at the soonest. I have visitors, so I'm not testing stuff actively with the pack officially. I did muck with some stuff though because I can't help me myself hehe.
Posted by Rocko Bonaparte 8 years ago | Modpack Creator
Ok fine. So I try to roll back to and now nothing shows in the client but Now I can't play at all!
Posted by clingonkelt 8 years ago
rocko, is the tutorial world working correctly? or is the problem that certain quests arent working? i was planning on doing a server stream of this modpack on friday which is tomorrow, or should i wait to do so until you update it? if so i would stream a different modpack if things are not working correctly on the server side.
Posted by KuzenKrafts 8 years ago
essentially im asking that, if i were to use the server now, 1. would it even worked if the client is running a different version, and 2. would i have to delete and remake another world once the update does come out?
Posted by KuzenKrafts 8 years ago
Haha no need to answer this. Guess I learned the hard way. I will be waiting for the server to be updated!!
Posted by KuzenKrafts 8 years ago
It never occurred to me so many people relied on the server install! Worse, I, uh... had one all packed up on my computer that I could have uploaded. :( I'm uploading one to match the latest. However, it is poorly configured. It doesn't start players in the tutorial dimension nor does it start them with a quest book. I'd recommend setting up a chest with rattles and quest books or similar to get people started as a quick solution.
Posted by Rocko Bonaparte 8 years ago | Modpack Creator
Boo! I was actually looking forward to it! Take your time and make sure everything is working. Ill wait. I want this modpack to be as successful as possible so that it can help people actually get into moods.Ill be on a server with 3 teams of 2 including myself. And 2 of those teams never got into moods so I'm hoping this modpack will help them in future modpacks/videos. I'm fond of the race idea which is why I think the server is necessary. A land world wouldn't work for making my videos all too well :/ take your time so everything works and let me/thr community know when server files are working. This is a great game and keep up the good work! Even though I disappeared for a bit :P (life came up lol but I'm back now when I can)
Posted by KuzenKrafts 8 years ago
Also, I hate autocorrect....
Posted by KuzenKrafts 8 years ago
It's updated now.
Posted by Rocko Bonaparte 8 years ago | Modpack Creator
Instead of adding magic mods to this mudpack, maybe you could create another, separate mudpack? I know nothing about this type of thing, please let me know if this would be nigh impossible
zwarren03 8 years ago
Also, I think that it would be fun to just dump mods into the pack and add the quests when you get to them. That way, we have a little time to mess with them first
Posted by zwarren03 8 years ago
I'm starting to do the math on everything, and it's something like a six-month turnaround on major changes/additions like that. I probably won't bother going crazy until the mod scene has figured out what it's doing for 1.9 or 1.10. I'd have to overhaul at that point anyways. For one, Thaumcraft has already updated to 1.9, and the mechanics for it are extremely different than what it has for 1.7.10, so blowing some months on it now will mean mostly throwing it out to do it again for 1.9. I was hoping to make the pack more public once the beta is turned into the official, and then hopefully there will be enough participants to improve the turnaround.
Posted by Rocko Bonaparte 8 years ago | Modpack Creator
I personnaly, do like this mod being based around the tech/automation mods. Magic would be a little much and I feel like there many packs that already cover it (ex. FEB's Madge quest
Posted by KuzenKrafts 8 years ago
(FTB's mage quest)* -.-
Posted by KuzenKrafts 8 years ago
I am debugging quest issues now in the beta release, and there are quite a few of them. However, it might take me awhile to do them myself. I am wondering if I have hit the point where I should just release the pack this weekend. It would mean the beta would become the main release here, and it would probably be followed by a flurry of hotfixes to the quest book and elsewhere. It may invalidate your current quest books. Existing saves will work, but you won't start in the tutorial dimension. There will be a quest to make the tool to take you there, so you can still get adjusted to the new style of the pack. It basically turns you all into extended testers for me, but I can't think of a faster way to get through all the HQM goofs I probably have. The quest book has over 320 quests now. That's a lot to try in actual solo gameplay.
Rocko Bonaparte 8 years ago
Having the "Ding" mod installed would be really helpful
zwarren03 8 years ago
Hmm first I heard of it. That one would be easier to incorporate since, well, I don't have to write quests for it haha.
Posted by Rocko Bonaparte 8 years ago | Modpack Creator
FYI--I did put the Ding mod in the beta. Pretty simple.
Posted by Rocko Bonaparte 8 years ago | Modpack Creator
About what I said earlier about the bacteria mod: (I don't mean this in any sort of angry/offensive way) I honestly don't care if you get to it a *year* from now; I honestly just want to mess w/ the bacteria mod
zwarren03 8 years ago
Could you add either Open Modular Turrets or ICBM? I would like a (entertaining, not involving config) way to deal with Blood Moon (from Random Things mod) mobs. They spawn in the hundreds.
zwarren03 8 years ago
Are blood moons actually triggering? They should have been disabled by default.
Posted by Rocko Bonaparte 8 years ago | Modpack Creator
They are enabled by default. I can't remember if I tweaked the likelihood/mob spawn multiplier in the config, though.
Posted by zwarren03 8 years ago
I'm usually pretty good at Minecraft but I'm having trouble working out how I unlock Chapter 3: Electrical Power as well as unlocking the second quest in the Lunar Odyssey chapter. Any help would be greatly appreciated as I'm loving this modpack.
bjstubbsy 8 years ago
I can't remember the exact quest, but that should unlock at the point you have mined your first redstone.
Posted by Rocko Bonaparte 8 years ago | Modpack Creator
It seems like I am the only one talking right now. . . That happens to me a lot >__>
zwarren03 8 years ago
For the beta, the commands don't work, even when I start a world in Creative w/ cheats enabled. There are some quests that don't work. I am trying to use /hqm edit
zwarren03 8 years ago
You'll help me out if you're able to elaborate on which quests. I have plenty I have to inspect. The commands thing seems very odd. I will have to try that myself. The commands have been working fine for me, but I have since made edits to my install to advance the beta.
Posted by Rocko Bonaparte 8 years ago | Modpack Creator
Nevermind. I found a way to enable cheats via making a LAN world.
Posted by zwarren03 8 years ago
I love how you added the Statues mod.
zwarren03 8 years ago
I also think that Sync should be added.
zwarren03 8 years ago
If you ever have a kid, you should name him Napoleon (maybe)
zwarren03 8 years ago
Heh, only if you have a kid, you have to name the first one "zwarren04" :p
Posted by Rocko Bonaparte 8 years ago | Modpack Creator
xD Great idea
Posted by zwarren03 8 years ago
If I try to join my world it says "Forge Mod Loader detected that the backup level.dat is being used. This may happen due to a bug or corruption, continuing can damage your world beyond repair or lose data / progress. It's recommended to create a world backup before continuing." What should I do?
readarthur34 8 years ago
Sounds like some mod in the pack tried to corrupt something. That being said, you might actually be fine. The safe thing would be to just back up the save first, and then let it take a shot at it. That way, if it blows it up, well, you have a backup. If you're not sure what I am talking about, click the gear icon next to "Modpack options" for BFSR in the launcher. That should give you a little window with a spot specifying where the pack is installed. Clicked the "Open" button and poof, you should be right there. Just copy and paste the save folder somewhere safe. Now, if it blows up on you, then you have some corruption. At that point, you have to go Googling around for some help. It's a generic problem where some mod somewhere decided to be a bad boy and mess up something in the save. There is a spectrum of things to do, and it might not be the best of news to you. :(
Posted by Rocko Bonaparte 8 years ago | Modpack Creator
I love this pack so much THANK YOU! Minecraft mods is the first time I felt truly stupid playing a game (Dwarf Fortress was a cakewalk in comparison) so this was a great way to bridge the gap. I'm excited to see the tutorial dimension you're working on. I have a few suggestions: 1. Tinker's Construct- It would be very useful to explain how each part contributes to the overall tool. You probably also give the wrong idea when you recommend that each tool parts be of the same material and I can see a newbie thinking this is mandatory. I would add a quest where you deliberately mix it up by for example asking for a pickaxe with ardite tool rod (1.3x modifier and ardite doesn't have much use outside of being made into manyullyn) and a paper binding (weak but writable). 2. The ender quarry progression is confusing. You mention how an ender pump can be used in the Nether but don't mention that you require a tesseract to make that work. Additional steps in this area would be really useful. 3. The MFR quest line is useful but it would probably be a good idea to add a final quest that asks for proof that you set up the machines properly. I was lazy and just built the machines because there was no real point to do so. I'm sure others were just as lazy. 4. The different mining quest lines (progressive automation, ender quarry, mekanism) should probably be arranged as branching quest lines to really drive home the point that they are duplicative and redundant. Cheers dude! I love love love this pack and I'm so glad you made it. I was getting really frustrated with how much of a circle jerk regular mods were with their knowledge assumptions. What's your eta on the tutorial dimension??
bouchacha 8 years ago
The tutorial dimension is nearly done to where I want it. I found that trying to put too much into it will actually slow everything down dramatically. I have been preparing example books using Enchiridion that I give as rewards for the more complicated quests, and those explain the steps in more detail. What is going to slow everything down is the more advanced quests that are going in. Between stubs and completed quests, I have something like 280 of them. Typing them all in and verifying them is a real chore.
Posted by Rocko Bonaparte 8 years ago | Modpack Creator
I can try some stuff with the tools. I was thinking of either adding IguanaTweaks in and emphasizing part swapping, or just having a quest where I demand a hybrid of parts. It's hard for me to enforce a specific combination. The quest book will require either a very vague matching where any combination of tool parts will work--even ones that wouldn't qualify the quest, or one where the player has to do everything *exactly*, which includes using the same name (or having it empty, as I am doing when creating the quests).
Posted by Rocko Bonaparte 8 years ago | Modpack Creator
(I am responding to individual points in different posts since Technic is not very good about paragraph breaks, as I suspect you found out.) The post-scarcity stuff should see some improvement from both seeing some of the stuff in action in the tutorial city, as well as having supplements from new advanced quests and different stuff. Tesseracts are going into the beta, so I can start mentioning that stuff. You could technically use the pumps fine with large tanks, although it's far less interesting. I now have EnderIO so it has its own method of doing that, and RFTools, which has the dimensions with seas of molten metal. So there are more possibilities.
Posted by Rocko Bonaparte 8 years ago | Modpack Creator
I can delineate the mining paths are redundant, but I am encouraging players to try them all. Themed quest packs are all the rage now, and they usually emphasize one method over another. Disregarding that, I know of some packs without questing that still only have one of those methods available.
Posted by Rocko Bonaparte 8 years ago | Modpack Creator
Somewhere in the middle of things, I must have linked the beta here as an update. That was a mistake. I've declared in order to get the files to deploy again. You can toy with the beta, but it's a hot mess.
Rocko Bonaparte 8 years ago
FYI: I am preparing the tutorial dimension and future changes in a BFSR Beta release on Technic: There is no support for this release since I am heavily screwing around with it. I'm doing really crazy stuff so be careful. Furthermore, I added a BFSR channel up on Discord:
Rocko Bonaparte 8 years ago
Getting a bug with the "Channeling Your Inner Demon" quest. It accepted my channel for the first stage but no matter what I do I can't make it accept that I completed a smeltery drain.
Tilla 9 years ago
I think KruzenKrafts caught me on this one a few weeks ago. It's some bad metadata in the quest book. I fixed it by reasserting the quest items. I've been sitting on releasing the fix due to toying around with the beta so much. I was thinking of gathering everything up for an update next weekend anyways. You can use /hqm edit to jump in a book that will let you mark off the quest in the mean time, or you can take the config/hqm directory off the GitHub if you want the updated quest book in the mean time.
Posted by Rocko Bonaparte 9 years ago | Modpack Creator
It sound be fixed now. Double check my work there. I had done one release of a minute ago where it was not. I think I overwrote the changes (again). I'm having a rough time keeping things straight since I'm working on the beta in parallel.
Posted by Rocko Bonaparte 9 years ago | Modpack Creator
Hey Rocko, GitHub branches are your friend for keeping separate work paths, well, separate. :)
Posted by sandalle 9 years ago
I got that part straight, it's just when I go to commit the changes, I'm plowing over stuff. HQM quest book data is binary, so I can't really review the changeset and see if I'm doing something stupid.
Posted by Rocko Bonaparte 9 years ago | Modpack Creator

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