Install Blightfall

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Blightfall) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Blightfall from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Blightfall Version 3.1.1-CE

created by Talonos on Minecraft 1.7.10 using Technic Solder
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For those of you who can get the modpack to run (seems everyone and their mother can't even play it), are you able to eat? I tried tweaking the hunger overhaul and the spice of life config files. Regardless of the values I change on variables that should affect eating speed, nothing will change in-game. That being said, I can't eat... not apples, not the emergency rations that I ask for. I really like the concept of these mods and don't really want to delete them.
MrTehNoms 8 years ago
Crated an account just to say that I have the same problem. I was really looking forward to playing this mod pack, but from what I've seen in these discussions, it's really broken and outdated. Really a shame
Posted by ZombieCraze 8 years ago
i cant play cause i dont have 2GB RAM i cant get it i dont know how i really want to play this modpack please help or fix.
Mr_Corbastic 8 years ago
Go to the technic launcher options, then the Java tab up the top. Change the amount of ram allocated to Technic (it's for minecraft). If you can't turn it up, delete all versions of java and download the 64 bit version. Install that, then repeat the first steps I gave you. You should be able to select more ram this time. Hope it helps!
Posted by Feckless 8 years ago
Does anyone know how to move a save to another computer, everything ive tried automatically deletes the file when the game launches.
Toastikar 8 years ago
A little bit late, and you may have tried this, but what I have done in the past is copy the entire modpack folder (in this case Blightfall) from within the technic folder to a USB drive. Then, make sure technic launcher is installed on the destination computer and paste the modpack (Blightfall) folder inside the new technic directory. Just copying one of the levels instead of the modpack folder generally won't work. You could also copy and transfer the entire technic directory. Might even be better.
Posted by Musicalogic 8 years ago
Hey guys, I've been trying to move a PC world to mac and the mac just refuses to recognize the world save.Any help?
Ecentric 8 years ago
I can't reinstall the pack. Every time I try to, it says that there was a problem with deleting 1.7.10 Baubles. When I try to delete it myself, it says it's running.
iWantToBeATotodile 8 years ago
The blood altar in blightfall shows the amount of life essence stored in it but when i tried playing another modpack that wasnt there. Does anyone know why the is??
BobPotato4618 8 years ago
I think Waila is the mod you need for that. Give it a go and let me know what happens.
Posted by Feckless 8 years ago
Er... i need some help. i used to be able to play this, but whenever i load it up, it says some thing like "You need 2GB of ram, and you are using 1GB of ram" i'm not a "tech person" so can someone please help me with this
Figgy272 8 years ago
Get 64-bit Java, and stuff some more RAM into your computer
Posted by zwarren03 8 years ago
The first thing should do is go the launcher settings and check you java settings from there.
Posted by MrTehNoms 8 years ago
when ever it finishes initallizing it just throws me back to the modpack select screen anyone know how to fix this
jackthehat 8 years ago
How can we get nether items if we can't get to the nether?
TravisXT 8 years ago
The story will tell you how. Just do some quests and more lore will be revealed.
Posted by Feckless 8 years ago
It won't run its says failed to download when it gets to minecraft assets. please fix
loganclash 8 years ago
is Blightfall going to be updated or is it done
Trufire 8 years ago
The problem with updating past 1.7.10 is that a lot of mod creators have to wait for certain mod tools and frameworks to be updated. 1.8 is a particularly large update for Minecraft, that reworks a lot of key areas from the ground up. The mod frameworks need to fully redo their code to be compatible with all the changes. Until this happens, most modpacks cannot update.
Posted by Feckless 8 years ago
for some reason blightfall doesnt even open
xaris223 8 years ago
Does anyone know any modpacks similar to Blightfall/Betweenlands? I love modpacks like this with a storyline/plot and have to explore, etc.
sydneykawaii 8 years ago
I kinda seriously need to know how to kill tainted scouts... any advice?
anniesboy 8 years ago
use ranged weapons like a bow/crossbow, or requisition your own machine gun from driskel or git gud
Posted by kittenz 8 years ago
Easiest way?Battle sign.If you can raid the villages, I'm quite sure one contains a bronze battle sign head.Slap that baby onto a stick and you'll block their projectiles.That's also how I beat the glacier dungeon (and the easiest way).
Posted by Ecentric 8 years ago
Easiest way?Battle sign.If you can raid the villages, I'm quite sure one contains a bronze battle sign head.Slap that baby onto a stick and you'll block their projectiles.That's also how I beat the glacier dungeon (and the easiest way).
Posted by Ecentric 8 years ago
I kinda seriously need to know how to kill tainted scouts... any advice?
anniesboy 8 years ago
So I installed it fine, but when I open it, (it takes a minute to load I don't know if that's normal or not) its just a white screen. I can hear the music and when I click around I can hear the button press noise, but I cant see anything. What do I do?
GamerGlitch 8 years ago
If the game is taking one minute to load u have some good pc, my game takes about 5 minutes to load. Now about the white screen issue, i dont know if that can help u, sometimes the game screen doesnt show up on my pc and i use F10 button to alt full screen in and out and it use to make the screen show up soon or later. Give it a try, who knows?
Posted by Fabio Panzarin 8 years ago
Sorry, its the F11 button, not F10
Posted by Fabio Panzarin 8 years ago
So i want to prevent endermen to pick blocks coz i dont want them to ruin my world while i try to clean it. Its all fine and cool, untill the moment i try to use /gamerule to find out i dont have permission (on my own single player world). anyone knows who i have to kill in order to enable commands? thanks in advance.
Fabio Panzarin 8 years ago
Ok, so if u came here after some answer to this issue, i made my way through it, here is how it goes: Inside the technic installation folder, open the modpacks folder, then blightfall, saves, and look for the save u want to enable commands. Open the folder and look for one archive called level.dat. Now u will need some .dat editor program in order to properly open this, i hope finding one not to be a pain. Once inside the file, open the Data tab, and the very first option shall be to enable commands, and prolly will be set to 0, just change that to 1, save the change on the editor menu and thats about it, i hope this can help u out =D
Posted by Fabio Panzarin 8 years ago
Open it up to a LAN world and enable cheats.
Posted by Deadlock542 8 years ago
how do i download this pack?
fluffinator300 8 years ago
use the technic launcher, select blightfall and click the install button
Posted by Fabio Panzarin 8 years ago
I thought this modpack looked pretty cool, was all set to give it a shot. Unfortunately, after I installed it and tried to run it, it crashed while loading. So I uninstalled and reinstalled the pack, same response. It's a terrible shame.
truthkeeper 8 years ago
Do you have enough ram allocated to the Technic Launcher in the options?
Posted by Feckless 8 years ago
One more little bug: The Copper Block 578 (Thermal Fondation) can not be craftet directly into ingots again. You have to use the smeltery.
Higamokelus 8 years ago

Latest Update

Lumy Skin Patch has been updated to 1.0.13 so skins should be working again. Existing modpack builds were updated to the fixed version.