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What mods are included in the pack?
Carpenter's Blocks
Pam's Harvest Craft
it takes so long to download for me! im kinda made
It's a large Modpack. That's to be expected, for regular computers. For enhanced gaming, like some could consider Modpacks of this size, a more powerful computer is needed.
You say a more powerful computer is needed. I'm running an I7 950 and ATI5870 and get lag spikes every few seconds. even with all settings at minimum
@knifepoint Your CPU and GPU hardly tell me enough to say whether your situation is normal.
My computer is running an i7-5930K with a minor OC, 16GB DDR4 RAM, my GPU is a GTX 980, and my system is on a SATAIII SSD drive. This would be the information for basic troubleshooting of lag, and there are still a few other factors that could contribute to lag, including functions on the software end, the type of motherboard, whether the GPU configuration is correct, whether your Java is allotted enough RAM, and more.
When I click the servers they say login failed try restarting game I don't know what to do please help.
Log out of Technic, then log back in. Happens to me all the time, usually happens when I don't keep track of whether I have Technic already open or not.
This is with a fresh install of your Modpack, and a fresh download of your server. As of the last 30 minutes, fresh.
Gyazo is a quick screensharing program, fyi. I don't think I need to give you more information about what has happened, but for some reason you should require some, I'll be on all day.
Those mods are server side only, not required by the client.
Then I will email you (for a 4th time) with a Hastebin including my server and client logs. The server starts fine, then when I join it with your modpack, I see the first screen of text, with the disclaimer, and the background doesn't move, then the whole instance of Minecraft (client) crashes. This does not happen in single player.
Amendment: server crashes too (last test was a few days ago, was replying from memory)
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