Install CohesionofWolves 1.12.2

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (CohesionofWolves 1.12.2) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select CohesionofWolves 1.12.2 from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

CohesionofWolves 1.12.2 Version 1.4

created by Chris0030 on Minecraft 1.12.2

No rights owned, please visit the original sites of: SimpleHomes BspkrsCore TreeCapitator Ae2Stuff Ae2WtLib AntiqueAtlas AppleCore AppliedEnergistics2 ArchitectureCraft AutoOreDictConv Autoplant-Mod Baubles Bdlib Betteranimalsplus BetterFps BiblioCraft BiomesOPlenty Bookshelf Botania BrandonsCore Buildcraft Carpenter's Blocks Ccm Cfm Chameleon ChickenChunks Chisel-Mc CodeChickenLib CoFHCore CoFHWorld CoroUtils CTM-MC Decocraft Draconic-Additions Draconic-Evolution EnchantingPlus EnderCore EnderIO ExtraCells Extrautils2 ExtremeReactors Farseek Flan's Mod FloodLights Foamfix Forgelin FTBLib GalacticraftCore CalacticraftPlanets GalaxySpace GardenStuff GlareTorch Gravestone Guide-API Guilib Hats Hopperducts-mc Hwyla iChunUtil ImmersiveEngineering IncreaseMobs IndustrialCraft2 IndustrialForegoing InventoryTweaks IronBackpacks IronChest JEI JourneyMap LibraryEx MalisisCore MalisisDoors Mantle McJtyLib MDecore Mekanism MekanismGenerators MekanismTools MicdoodleCore Morph Mystcraft NetherEx NoMOreRecipeConflict NotEnoughItems OpenBlocks OpenComuters OpenModsLib OpenTerrainGenerator OTG-Dungeons p455w0rdslib Pam's HarvestCraft Placebo Plants ProjectIntelligence Proxys-Lib PTRLib Railcraft RedstoneFlux RedstonePaste Rex's Additional Structures RfTools RoguelikeDungeons Ruins SecretRoomsMod SignPost SmithsCore StorageDrawers StorageDrawersExtras Streams Stygian TConstruct Tesla-Core-Lib Thaumcraft ThermalExpansion ThermalFoundation TMechworks TwilightForest Weather2 WirelessCraftingTerminal WirelessInterfaceTerminal WorldControl WorldEdit WorldProtector Xl-Food-Mod YABBA Zerocore

Latest Update

CohesionofWolves 1.12.2 was updated to version 1.4