Install Craft & Slash RPG

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Craft & Slash RPG) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Craft & Slash RPG from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Craft & Slash RPG Version 2.0.1

created by TheEpicModPack on Minecraft 1.7.10
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can you possible add the slash blade mod here is the link
crovdos 7 years ago
No plans to add that unfortunately. Adding a mod for 4 weapons is just not worth the extra bit of lag it would cause.
Posted by TheEpicModPack 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
Just put out a client only update to fix a common crash. Servers are unaffected! See the changelog for details.
TheEpicModPack 7 years ago
Are custom crafting recipes planned yet?
EinJvstin 7 years ago
What do you mean?
Posted by TheEpicModPack 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
Ever since the new update it wont load up?? Like it gets to the Mojang screen then it closes and opens Tech back up with all my modpacks and such
PierceEdwards 7 years ago
I think I know what causes this. Simply re-launching will sometimes fix the issue. I am releasing a patch to fix this as soon as the file finishes uploading.
Posted by TheEpicModPack 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
Here it's working fine! The update is nice. Still some monsters can't be killed (Valkyries and Sphinx) because of the life regen. And the same with some InfernalMobs that have regen skills...
Posted by roulioz 7 years ago
I may turn the regen option off for infernalmobs in the future, though I can't do anything about sphynx's or valkyries unfortunately, short of removing them altogether. If it comes to that I can, but we'll see if they end up being a big issue in the future first.
Posted by TheEpicModPack 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
I quite like the powerful Sphinxes. I used to be like "Not a sphinx! RUUUUN!" then I got some Terrasteel Armor and Azure Cinderfall swords and managed to beat up 4 that jumped on me at once (barely) I felt so powerful!
Posted by TheBagGuy 7 years ago
Hey TheEpicModPack do i have to update server ? or not?
TheSinEater 7 years ago
if yes , wath files do i have to remove and replace in wath folders , cuz moving all the plugins and world files takes about an hour and 30 min , i can't make my players wait that long
Posted by TheSinEater 7 years ago
Just replace the files that are in the zip. Delete your mods folder, scripts folder, configs folder (except any files you have specifically modified for your server, if any), and the liteconfig folder. Be sure to delete those folders before moving the new ones over, to make sure that removed mods are gone. Then move over the mods, config, liteconfig, and scripts folders from the server zip. That should so it.
Posted by TheEpicModPack 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
Also, that will be the case with every update going forward. I will only ever change the mods, configs, litemods, and scripts fodlers. The rest can always stay the same.
Posted by TheEpicModPack 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
NOTE: For server owners who want to stop ore duplication fromt he levels mod, download this plugin: and give all the ore blocks in the modpack the "noplace" permission. This should not affect gameplay in any meaningful way, and will stop players from placing any kind of ores to exploit. Leave a comment if you need help with the configs.
TheEpicModPack 7 years ago
New update is out! Check changelog for more details! Server admins in particular will be happy with this one! Changelog also has instructions for removing select mobs for server admins.
TheEpicModPack 7 years ago
Happening very often... Description: Exception in server tick loop java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/minecraft/client/Minecraft at at cpw.mods.fml.common.eventhandler.ASMEventHandler_322_EventLivingDeath_onEntityDeath_LivingDeathEvent.invoke(.dynamic) at cpw.mods.fml.common.eventhandler.ASMEventHandler.invoke( at at net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeHooks.onLivingDeath( at net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase.func_70645_a( at net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase.func_70097_a( at at net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer.func_71059_n(Unknown Source) at at at at at at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71190_q( at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71190_q( at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p( at at Source) Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net.minecraft.client.Minecraft at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.LaunchClassLoader.findClass( at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) ... 19 more
roulioz 7 years ago
What did you do when this happened? It's hard to see whats happening from this as it basically just says "Something bad happened when an entity died", which could be a lot of things. It could help if you can post he entire crash report to pastebin so I can see more details.
Posted by TheEpicModPack 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
We were fighting monsters in a castle, a lot of them, and we died too. I have a lot of crash report like this :
Posted by roulioz 7 years ago
It's a feature. To quote the game: " The knowledge to create diamond tools is long lost ".
Chris0030 7 years ago
Ok and is there a way to kill some unkillable monsters? Some of them seems not take any damage from swords or spear, and some of them have a so high regen that even into magma they won't die (I found an alchemist regen imba wtf squeleton and his life is always full)
Posted by roulioz 7 years ago
Hello, I am playing on a local server with friends, I can't create a diamond pickaxe, is that a feature or a bug? Thanks
roulioz 7 years ago
That is a feature, all diamond tools and armor are disabled.
Posted by TheEpicModPack 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
IMPORTANT: Tomorrow's update will fix the following issues: No more bugs or piranhas will spawn (tested, working this time), Rather than relying on gravestones etc., players will simply keep their inventory on death from now on, Matmos is working now (tested, working finally), the lootable bodies mod will be removed for real this time. Gravestones mod will be kept, even though you keep your inventory. This is to allow server owners some flexibility as they can simply remove the keep inventory mod if they want their server to use gravestones instead. This will also keep current gravestones from disappearing in current worlds, and will keep the dungeons the mod spawns etc.
TheEpicModPack 7 years ago
My players can dupe stuff on the server due to the Levels mod. even tho i found the line # Some skill duplicate ores, this prevent infinite duplication by replacing B:"Prevent duplicated ores placing"=true could we blacklist double drops please ??? i dont want this to take away the fun / challange of obtaining rare ores :/ Bdw thank you for everything :D! TheSinEater aka Staticflame Owner of visit us at or out server .
TheSinEater 7 years ago
There's no way to stop that unfortunately. You can remove the mod from your server however, and people will still be able to connect from the mod pack but the level up mod just wont be active
Posted by TheEpicModPack 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
When I die I am getting a Corpse with my visual armor and a Gravestone with everything else. I personally like the corpses better because if you have a full inventory along with a set of armor equipped, 6 weapons, 2 rings, a talisman, and more, when you bust that gravestone you have to throw a bunch of stuff out hoping that you get the stuff you can equip in the inventory you currently have open(since there is currently 3 inventories to equip different things). With the corpse you could take all your equippables, equip them, then open the corpse again for all your other stuff. A lot less aggravating IMO. Also, if you die far from home, return and bust the stone then get jumped on by a Super Mega Cocatrice of Lighning and Hellfire OMG It Can't Die and get killed before 5 mins of trying to get everything equipped so you can fit everything else you had, you will probably loose your stuff for good.
TheBagGuy 7 years ago
All of these issues are being resolved in a better way on a fix I am releasing soon.
Posted by TheEpicModPack 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
Both downloads are updated! Playing on servers should be possible again as long as both the server and client are on the latest version.
TheEpicModPack 7 years ago
To all those willing to join Official server 1 i'm currently working on setting up the new server that is way more stable and better than the prev one!
TheSinEater 7 years ago
Tip for server owners: Reducing spawn rates in the mo'creatures config to 1 instead of just setting spawning to false seems to be effective in clearing up problem mobs.
TheEpicModPack 7 years ago
False alarm, doesn't seem to help much.
Posted by TheEpicModPack 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
The server download atm needs to be fixed! I will be re-uploading the server files tomorrow. Until then, server admins can just delete liteloader and soundfilters from themods folder to fix the new server crash. Sorry!
TheEpicModPack 7 years ago
New update is out! Check the changelog for details, a lot has changed!
TheEpicModPack 7 years ago
Would it be reasonable to add a book explaining all the different enchantments? With the Enchanting Plus table, there are a bunch of enchants that I am clueless as too the effect. I may be missing some in-game method of looking this up, but it would awesome to have an in-game enchanting reference book instead of alt-tabbing to look up enchantments.
OnlyZuul 7 years ago
That is definitely possible in the future. Thanks for the suggestion!
Posted by TheEpicModPack 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
Awesome, thanks! I'm currently using a Big Writing Book (I may have the name wrong) to document enchantment descriptions for now. Also, the is there a way to name waystones so I can can actually tell which waystone I'm teleporting too?
Posted by OnlyZuul 7 years ago
You can only name a waystone in creative mode by placing it again or shift clicking it!
Posted by TheSinEater 7 years ago
I have put together a list of all entity class names for the modpack for use with plugins like Mob Manager here: You will probably have to play around with how you word it until it works, as many plugins etc need it worded slightly differently (eg. a Clay Golem could be com.hoopawolf.mam.entity.EntityClayGolem, or hoopawolf.mam.entity.EntityClayGolem, or mam.entity.EntityClayGolem, or entity.EntityClayGolem, or EntityClayGolem, or just claygolem. Once you figure it out with one (just spawn one and keep trying the butcher command until it kills it, for example) then you will know what to do for the rest. This should help with many different plugins.
TheEpicModPack 7 years ago

Latest Update

Sorry for the lack of updates guys! In a few months I will be finished college, and will have time for plenty of updates! Keep giving me feedback!