replacing tweeted inventory tweaks with inventory tweaks
Crafting Warriors was updated to version 1.66 7 years ago
the Dragon Quest mod has updated the Jeff Food has updated and Deco craft has updated remove the sound effect mod and every time you die a audio will play hop it fix the crash
Crafting Warriors was updated to version 1.65 7 years ago
temporary remove the sound filler mod and see if that fix the crash i hop
Crafting Warriors was updated to version 1.64 7 years ago
add mouse-tweaks and architecturecraft there 70 mods now
Crafting Warriors was updated to version 1.63 7 years ago
i add shipsMod get ready get your sea legs on
Crafting Warriors was updated to version 1.62.1 7 years ago
Crafting Warriors was updated to version 1.62 7 years ago
a small fix
Crafting Warriors was updated to version 1.61 7 years ago
Deco craft had an update and removed the ruined made crafting recipe for the items that you get from them
Crafting Warriors was updated to version 1.60 7 years ago
Deco craft had an update and removed the ruined made crafting recipe for the items that you get from them
Crafting Warriors was updated to version 1.59 7 years ago
got some recipe fixup up for everybody be happy and client-side clean up
Crafting Warriors was updated to version 1.58 7 years ago
Crafting Warriors was updated to version 1.57 7 years ago