Crafting Warriors was updated to version 1.30 8 years ago
clean up some of the English and did some configs you only can make one teleporter now clean up the HP bar and made it a smaller there's a magnum torch and ect and pipes
Crafting Warriors was updated to version 1.29 8 years ago
add two mods took one out fix up some engs
Crafting Warriors was updated to version 1.28 8 years ago
the English patch update there will be more in the future only client-side
Crafting Warriors was updated to version 1.27 8 years ago
turn on chunk loaders from aw2 and add FTB Lid and FTB Utilities and /spawn is turn on you can claim up to 100 chunk if there any more update it be putting thing in to eng and bug fixing i did this so ppl wont walk in your home
Crafting Warriors was updated to version 1.26 8 years ago
auto pickup mod was remove a bad bug if mine somethings up . I add easy crafting . You will see your tool or weapon on your back remove BetterStorage and there auto crafting now .For now all update will be bug fixing or putting things in eng and that it
Crafting Warriors was updated to version 1.25 8 years ago
Crafting Warriors was updated to version 1.24 8 years ago
Crafting Warriors was updated to version 1.23 8 years ago
add DecoCraft2 add Storage Drawers remove the simple path mod I'll be taking a break from translating I kinda overdid it i be back in a week
Crafting Warriors was updated to version 1.22 8 years ago
more translation fixing
Crafting Warriors was updated to version 1.21 8 years ago
better storage was added
Crafting Warriors was updated to version 1.20 8 years ago
Crafting Warriors was updated to version 1.19 8 years ago