Install DaayM Official Modpack

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (DaayM Official Modpack) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select DaayM Official Modpack from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

DaayM Official Modpack Version 3.0.0

created by timmill3 on Minecraft 1.7.10

DaayM Official Modpack updated to version 2.2.8


Module System (Disabled)
More player skins
FN FAL - Assault Rifle
M1911 - Pistol
Bullet 762x51
Bullet 45 ACP
Can now equip clothing and other items by right clicking / 'using' them.
Duct Tape - Item
Placeable Nails (Trap) (Crafted using nails + duct tape, can be destroyed by anyone using sledge hammer)
Placeable Explosive Mine (Triggers when player walks on it / or when shot)
Canned Sardies - Food
Canned Tuna - Food
Canned Peaches - Food
Machete - Melee
Sledge Hammer - Melee
Fire Extinguisher - Melee + can create smoke
Splint - Medical
Auto Morphine Injection - Medical
Players can now break bones by taking high amount of damage at once. (Broken bones can be fixed by Morphine and Splints)
Added lots of new blocks, including barbwire, new fences...etc.
Added sit animation (numpad 5 by default)
Added world config property to disable player breaking bones
Added camera shake if player is bleeding
Added desaturation effect when player is low health while bleeding.
Added option to disable sun glasses screen tint

in 2.2.8 player data changed, so you will spawn with a clear inventory in maps from and earler versions.


Reverted Loot System back to 2.2.4 logic meaning it will work again, optimized and improved loot checking.
Loot now has recycling system which distributes the max amount of loot among the loot spawners.
You can now reload guns by having the bullets / magazine in your hotbar. (and from your backpack..etc)
Picking up loot now adds it into your backpack if your hotbar is full.
Fixed picking up item with full hotbar putting it in the 6th invisible slot
Fixed ammo duplication bug when unchambering + reloading a gun.
Fixed version checker (1.x.x.0 branches were seen as heigher versions than 2.x.x )
Fixed silver paint not being in loot spawn tables. (Many camos needed silver paint and thus couldn't be created)
Food has multiple uses now, meaning you can eat from the same can of beans a few times before its empty
Fixed Item lighting bug in player inventory
Fixed some language file grammar errors, there's probably more.
Fixed gun animation 'vibrating' when holding aim down button while running
Fixed bandages and rags not working properly.
Fixed Purple Hexagon and Pollock Camo's not being in the donator check list.
Fixed some camos not being in the camo / donation info menu.
Fixed guns not spawning with newest attachments.
Changed damage amount of some guns
Sneaking now affects gun accuracy along with aiming, and decreased accuracy when (bleeding / shaking)
Changed and re-positioned some item icons, most items no longer appear floating when holding them in first person cam.
Improved backend code and optimized core features
Data like bleeding, breaking bones and handcuffing now properly saves, so re-logging and restarting a world will not longer save you.
Disabled Gun Quality '1' temporarly until more guns support the LQ render
Bleeding and Hand cuffing players no longer casues de-sync from server / client.


Duct Tape + Nails -> Placeable Nails
Stick + Rag -> Wooden Splint
Stick + Duct Tape -> Wooden Splint
Stick + Bandage -> Wooden Splint
Cutting Axe -> 1 Stick
Baseball Bat w/ nails -> 1 Stick
Baseball Bat -> 2 Sticks


(Module system will allow you to disable parts of the mod, meaning its very flexible and can be used to shape the mod as you may like)
(Currently modules cannot be disabled to avoid client & server mismatches)
~ Module list ~:
VoiceChat (Disabled due to some set backs)
timmill3 posted a changelog update for DaayM Official Modpack 9 years ago


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this is a fake
Posted by kostadim735 8 years ago
Timmill3 ..... Em ..... I don't understand this mod have abandoned or not ? Or this mod will comeback or its a lastest version were they dev before abadon ? -_-* PS : I just found this mod 1 week ago why I didn't found faster dam.
Posted by peekapton2540 9 years ago

Latest Update

DaayM Official Modpack was updated to version 3.0.0