Install Dangerous Depths

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Dangerous Depths) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Dangerous Depths from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Dangerous Depths Version 2.2.1

created by Grim_Ascensions on Minecraft 1.7.10

Dangerous Depths updated to version 1.3.0

Version 1.3.0 ChangeLog

-Updated Forge to version #1291
-Updated bspkrsCore to newer version
-Updated Enviromine to newer version (a couple times...)
-Updated Tinker's Construct to newer version
-Updated Thermal Expansion to newer version
-Updated Thermal Foundation to newer version
-Updated COFHcore to newer version
-Updated Redstone Arsenal to newer version
-Updated MineFactory Reloaded to newer version
-Updated ModTweaker to newer version

-Readded BuildCraft (I finally caved)
-Readded BuildCraftCompact
-Added Random Things mod
-Added Chisel mod
-Added Back Tools mod (visual)
-Added Mob Dismemberment mod (visual)
-Added Hats mod (visual/per request)
-Added TiC Tooltips mod (tooltip addon for TConstruct)
-Added Thermal Smeltery mod
-Added Moarsigns mod
-Added Artifice mod

-Removed ArchimedesShips mod (consistantly crashes)
-Removed AOBD mod (served no purpose)
-Removed Flat Signs mod (redundancy)
-Removed Steve's Factory Manager (redundancy)
-Removed Balkon's Weapons mod (redundancy and recipe overlaps)

-Corrected a few physics issues
-Disabled Quarries (not debatable)
-Reduced clayspawn rate
-Disabled several things for the Random Things mod
-Disabled a few items/blocks for Extra Utilities and Open Blocks (don't remember what exactly)
-Slightly increased Zombie spawn rate
-Rebuilt recipes for enabled BuildCraft machines
-Rebuilt recipes for all BuildCraft transport pipes
-Disabled a few items/blocks for MineFactory Reloaded due to redundancy (another couple machines, pipes, and energy cables)
-Disabled all engines and generators except for those from Thermal Expansion and Buildcraft's redstone engine (needed for extraction pipes)
-Made several adjustments to rebalance map generation
-Made adjustments to Dynamic Lighting
-Created custom Ore Disctionaries to correct questbook detection issues
-Converted all TConstruct jerky into craftable recipes and rebalanced their hunger values
-Added custom hunger values to all Galacticraft dehydrated foods and re-enabled their crafting recipes
-Disabled TConstruct from generating villager and building due to crash
-Adjusted DirectionalHUD to prevent overlap
-Set temperature levels for all new armors added by Thermal Foundation
-Disabled recipes for Thermal Foundation silver armor set due to texture errors
Grim_Ascensions posted a changelog update for Dangerous Depths 10 years ago


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Latest Update

Dangerous Depths 1 & 2 are officially unsupported. No new updates will be coming. In the near future I will be releasing a new modpack called "Dark Domains" that features a theme very similar to Dangerous Depths.