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I hope I'm not too late I really wanna apply and help out the server. Also the discord Spore#3078 doesn't exist.
And my ign dylanssj4 and discord is dylanssj4#6233
can I be whitelisted ign:skeppy_Jr please tell me if you did
I'd like to join the server, but I need to be whitelisted. Is there an application, or do I just ask to be?
Hello, I tried to connect to the server and it said I'm not white listed on this server, which I'm going to assume that I just tried to join during server maintenance, which I think is a logical assumption, also could I get a link to the discord please, furthermore I tried to message you on discord but you were offline and you disallow people that don't share a discord server or have you as a friend to message you which means in short that I cannot message you, so I just added you please accept my friend request and message me when your online, I'm curious to how this server will develop, also my mic kinda died aka it broke so I won't be able to speak on discord for a few days to a week ish because I've ordered a new mic but I'm not sure on how long it will take to arrive.
How can I apply?
zcube you can reach me by my discord Spore#3078