Install Glixyl's Beautiful, Deadly

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Glixyl's Beautiful, Deadly) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Glixyl's Beautiful, Deadly from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Glixyl's Beautiful, Deadly Version 109-optifine

created by Dev_ill on Minecraft 1.7.10 using Technic Solder
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Still can't get it fixed might have to buy a new computer...
Bradennn_ 9 years ago
I click play to load up the modpack and about 5 seconds later it takes me back to the technic launcher? is there any way I could fix this?
Bradennn_ 9 years ago
Im having the same problem 342sx
Bradennn_ 9 years ago
Don't worry I dont have the open blocks problem anymore but I got a new one...
Posted by Bradennn_ 9 years ago
Whenever I try to download the pack I get the error; Failed to download, what should i do to fix this?
342sx 9 years ago
Thanks for letting me know and fixed. So weird, the file 'disappeared' from the repository.
Posted by glixyl 9 years ago
please add minecraft comes alive to this mod pack i think it would be the cherry on top of this amazing ice-cream sundae of mods XD
mymaloo10 9 years ago
interesting idea and I am glad that you like Beautiful Deadly. I had thought about it, but last time I used it (more than a year ago) I didn't like it. I will give it another look.
Posted by glixyl 9 years ago
wow I tested MCA 5 with Beautiful, Deadly and it was very nice. I think you can take credit for this mod making it in to the pack. Give me a day or two so I can release a proper version update that contains it and some minor bug fixes/etc I have been waiting to release for the pack thanks!
Posted by glixyl 9 years ago
Well, I am having trouble with it, I click play and it goes to minecraft, then goes back to Technic, please help!
Verbenagirl 9 years ago
Some people's computers have a problem with a mod called Optifine. That mod enables other mods to be beautiful though, so I use it by default in this pack. I just made you, and anyone else having this problem, a new version 109-lite which is selectable in the Modpack Options within the Technic launcher. It doesn't have optifine or better foliage, but still looks nice and has all the necessary mods to play on the servers. I do have a hint though, try updating your graphics drivers and java (java 7 is preferable).
Posted by glixyl 9 years ago
Your modpack is almost downloaded, hoping to see it work! It looks wonderful.
Verbenagirl 9 years ago
Amazing mod pack man
micronesa 10 years ago
Posted by glixyl 9 years ago

Latest Update

Downloadable server now available for you and your friends. If you enjoy playing the new Beautiful, Deadly please Like this Modpack in the Technic page.