Install Dragon Quest Crafters

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Dragon Quest Crafters) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Dragon Quest Crafters from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Dragon Quest Crafters Version 1.7

created by AxelVoss on Minecraft 1.7.10

(Q:) So how do I start exactly? What should I do first?

(A:) Good question! Here's a few tips. When starting a new world, I recommend turning "Bonus Chest" on, as it will include all the materials needed to make a Stone of Departure, arranged in the proper pattern even! It's just 3 stone slabs, 4 cobblestone, and 2 sticks, so you could make one easily enough anyway. However you choose to, get that stone ASAP; it'll let you change your vocation to any of the starting classes one time.

From there, take up your starting gear and start hunting! Small, weak monsters like slimes, drackies and bunicorns provide easy experience to get your early level-ups. The higher your level, the less of a threat bigger monsters will be. Besides, you'll want their drops to craft better gear and items.

You can farm healing herbs and stat-boosting seeds, so if you see any weird plants about, smack em and stock up!

Don't make vanilla swords! If you place the materials for them on the table sideways rather than the normal diagonal method, you can make special weapons called Sticks! They deal slightly less damage than vanilla swords, but they have vastly superior durability and ANY vocation can train with them! Note that these weapons do not have skill trees, like other weapons do.

(Q:) I just teleported/respawned, and now I can't interact with my monster pets or friendly NPCs!

(A:) Unfortunately, that's going to happen from time to time, as it's an issue with the DQR mod itself. The only fix I know of is to relog. We can only hope for a real fix soon.

(Q:) What vocation should I pick? What even are vocations??

(A:) Vocations are your combat job or class! They determine how your stats grow as you gain experience and level up, as well as what spells and abilities you can use!

You can learn more about them in the #on-vocations channel in our Discord server, or on the Dragon Quest Respect Wiki found at (Japanese only)!

(Q:) Why can't I cast any of the magic I find?

(A:) While anyone can craft or find spells in the world, you can only cast them once you meet the vocation level requirements.

For instance, the Frizz spell is "learned" when you reach level 3 as a Mage or level 5 as a Sage. Once you hit that requirement, you can cast that spell regardless of your current vocation.

Of course, not every vocation can use every spell to full efficacy. Spells have vocation affinities just like weapons do. Be sure to check the "Use" section of your spell for a list of all vocations compatible with that spell, or you'll suffer a massive loss of MAG(ic Power). It's also worth noting that utility/buff spells like Glow and Accelerate are just as effective when cast by any vocation.

For a (WIP) list of spells, and a full list of vocations and what spells they're compatible with, see the #on-vocations channel in our Discord server!

Latest Update

1000 runs! I never thought I'd see the day. Thank you so much for playing, and good luck on your future adventures!