Mods included:
- AE2 stuff
- ae2wtlib
- Agricraft
- Antique Atlas
- Applied Energistics 2
- Autoreglib
- Backpack
- bdlib
- Better Builders Wands
- BiblioCraft
- Bonsaitrees
- Carpenters
- Chameleon
- Chickens
- Chisel
- Chisel and Bits
- Chunk Animator
- CodeChickenLib
- CoFH Core
- Comforts
- Connected Textures Mod
- Craysoft Office Addon
- Cucumber Library
- Custom Main Menu
- Decocraft
- Dynamic Surroundings
- Dynamic Trees
- Ender io
- Endercore
- Extra Utilities 2
- Fast Leaf Decay
- FTB Lib
- FTB Utilities
- Hatchery
- Hwyla
- IChunUtil
- Infinitylib
- Inventory Tweaks
- It's the little things
- Just Enough Items
- Malisis Core
- Malisis Doors
- Mantle
- Mcjtylib
- Minecraft Forge
- More Overlays
- Morpheus
- Mr Crayfish Device Mod
- Mr Crayfish Furniture Mod
- MrCrayfish's Vehicle Mod
- Mystical Agradditions
- Mystical Agriculture
- Obfuscate
- OpenBlocks
- OpenModsLib
- Optifine
- OreLib
- p455w0rdslib
- Phosphor
- PTRLib
- Quark
- Railcraft
- Reauth
- Redstone Flux
- Resource Loader
- RF Tools
- Scaling Health
- Silent Lib
- Snow! Real Magic!
- Sound Filters
- Storage Drawers
- The Aether II
- Wireless Crafting Terminal