Introducing [Season 5]
Server Description:
Welcome to Season 5 of Dusk Piece! We're thrilled to have you as a part of our community, and we hope to see you around the server. We have a wide range of exciting activities to keep you engaged, and we guarantee that your time spent here will be well worth it!
On our server, you can take on challenging bosses, participate in thrilling events, test your skills with parkour and chat games, engage in epic warzones, block destruction, and even loot a chest if another player loots it! We value healthy competition and encourage PvP, but we do not tolerate any toxic behavior.
Should you encounter any rule-breaking behavior, please don't hesitate to reach out to us via Discord or DM an admin with the details. We have reworked our bosses and added a new GUI to make the experience easier for new players. Although dragons are currently disabled on the server, we've added their loot to bosses to ensure a more enjoyable end-game experience.
So why wait? Join us today and become a part of the Dusk Piece community!
Server Content: Ability Destruction disabled Grand Line World
- Faction Ranks
- Quests
- [NEW] Lootr so everyone gets loot from chests!
- Events Daily
- Custom Crates
- Grand Line map for Pre- Built Land
- Voting System
- RTP World - Resets every 2 - 3 times a week
- Leaderboard to Show your Skills|
- Faction Ranks and Kits!
- In-game Voice Chat (Press V)
Server Features: Custom Haki color 2x Haki Gain ~ 150 Max Haki Level 2x Doriki Gain ~ 100k Doriki MAX
Core Mods: Mine Mine no Mi Mod Dusk Piece Mod Lootr Artifacts Waystones Farmers Delights Custom NPC's Iron Chests
Server Hosted By Kinetic Hosting!
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Using Code "DuskPiece" to get 15% off