<h4>DISCLAIMER: Credit to the modmakers who created the mods I used in this pack. This is the "Legend PixelPack" modpack! I started this with the base idea of an extremely custom pixelmon modpack which was unique from any other. So I worked on that idea, and after 3 1/2 hours of working, here you are! Legend PixelPack! Mods Overview (again, credit to the creators of these mods): Archimedes Ships Plus, Backpack (2.0.1), BiomesOPlenty, Mr Crayfish's (and community) Furniture Mod(s), Chisel, CodeChickenCore, Damage Indicators, Decocraft, Fairylights, FoxLib, InventoryTweaks, ironchest, MalasisDoors, Mantle, Minecraft Comes Alive (MCA), MineTweaker (currently not being used for anything), MouseTweaks, movingworld, NEI (Not Enough Items), Optifine 1.8.9 (credit to the creator and developers of Optifine and Shaders), PIXELMON, PlayerAPI, RadixCore, SmartMoving, SmartRender, Tails, Tinker's Construct, Thaumcraft, Thaumcraft api, and finally, Walia.</h4>
Version: 1.0. May crash, I am going to test that when I am finished typing this. UPDATE: Did not crash, we are good to go and up and running! Now working on an icon and logo, *sigh*, etc.
Version: 1.0. May crash, I am going to test that when I am finished typing this. UPDATE: Did not crash, we are good to go and up and running! Now working on an icon and logo, *sigh*, etc.