Install Omega Adventure Pack

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Omega Adventure Pack) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Omega Adventure Pack from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Omega Adventure Pack Version 3.42

created by EverSoul on Minecraft 1.7.10

If you want to create a small server for the pack, you'll need at least 16 GB to run it smoothly. Interested in getting a server? Click on the image below! We are sponsored by BisectHosting! Use promo code omega to receive 25% off your first month as a new client for any of their gaming servers.


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440+ Mods

Welcome to Omega Adventure Pack page! This modpack is probably the biggest modpack that gives you a variety of options to choose from. If you like adventure, this modpack offers more than 40 dimensions to explore from which include planets, fantasy dimensions and much more. If you are a person into technology, this modpack offers several mods that focus on developing technology. If you enjoy decorating, we got you! We have mods like decocraft and several others that implement numerous ways that you can decorate your Minecraft home. If you enjoy fighting difficult enemies, this is the modpack for you! There are over 80 bosses, ranging from the easiest minibosses to the most difficult opponents. If you enjoy building your own empire, you can do that too! With mods like ancient warfare, you can create your own civilization. This modpack will never cease to disappoint your satisfaction. This modpack is probably one of the biggest that has ever been created.

REQUIREMENTS: You will need to have at least 8GB of ram to run. Minimum Requirements: i5 2400 at least. To have the best experience you should have i5 4690 or better, and 12gb total ram on computer to be on the safe side.

Nerfs and Features:

To prevent an imbalance of mods we have nerfed quite a few things.

Here is a list of the nerfs:

-Crop sticks are required to plant seeds.

-OreDictionaryConverter is included in this modpack to facilitate all of the repeated ores that other mods incorporate.

-Biome configs are all unique, causing no entity spawn glitches.

-Potion, enchantment, dimension, and other IDS are all unique as well.

-We have made sure that all these mods are compatible with lan worlds. You can play this modpack with your friends if you would like, just use hamachi to connect.

Server IP: On discord

Latest Update

Omega Adventure Pack was updated to version 3.42