Version 1.007
forgot to remove minetweaker, as it was repalced with crafttweaker
Discuss this update (0)Version 1.005
worldedit is no longer clientside & has been moved to server plugins
Discuss this update (0)Version 1.004
updated antique atlas, added factions, essentials and other support for server. about one or two versions away from full release I believe.
Discuss this update (0)Version 1.002
there was an issue to where if you have mismatching resolutions you would be stuck in the biggest gui mode on launch unable to access options. Moved the options button to the top right to circumvent this.
Discuss this update (0)Version 1.001
removed cybersus, thaumic revelations, nefs deco, new custom main menu and server is now connected into the pack itself
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