Install Fiction Friction Pixelated M

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Fiction Friction Pixelated M) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Fiction Friction Pixelated M from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Fiction Friction Pixelated M Version rc03-28.0.1

created by P3rf3ct_Zer0 on Minecraft 1.20.1

Fiction Friction Pixelated M updated to version 7.0.0


# 1.19.2 [7.0.0 Meyhem and Monsters]

## Legend

* [C] means client
- [S] means server
* [U] means universal aka client and server
- [W] means world save file

### These new annotations mark where the changes are so I can fully grasp all possible changes for future content. This helps me debug issues.

##Performance Status

* Mod Count Ingame [283]
- FPS average [60] to [120]
* Java Args [``-XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+ParallelRefProcEnabled -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=200 -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -XX:+AlwaysPreTouch -XX:G1HeapWastePercent=5 -XX:G1MixedGCCountTarget=4 -XX:G1MixedGCLiveThresholdPercent=90 -XX:G1RSetUpdatingPauseTimePercent=5 -XX:SurvivorRatio=32 -XX:+PerfDisableSharedMem -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=1 -XX:G1NewSizePercent=30 -XX:G1MaxNewSizePercent=40 -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=8M -XX:G1ReservePercent=20 -XX:InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent=15 -Dusing.aikars.flags=``] and Java Version [17x64] JDK or JRE

## Mods-Added

- [U] Beautify 1.19.2-V.1.4.2 (Adds way more ways to use flowers.)
- [U] born_in_chaos_1.19_0.3 (Adds more death.)
- [U] forgivingvoid-forge-1.19-7.0.0 (Hopefully fixes issues with endlessly falling in the distorted dimensions.)
- [U] GeOre_Nouveau-1.19.2-0.2.0 (Adds ore creatures to ArsNouveau)
- [U] glowingores-1.19.2-1.5 (Makes most ores glow like a lightsource.)
- [U] PingHUD-2.0 (Shows what your actual ping is.)
- [U] spark-1.9.40-forge (Diagnostics for ping tps and profiling.)
- [U] SpikySpikes-v4.0.1-1.19.2-Forge (Adds spikes to Minecraft.)

## Content-Updated

### Configs

##### -FarmingForBlockheads-

- Fixed regression chance for fertile ground.

##### -FeederHelmets-

- Set it so you have to be hungry to make it work. The feeder helmet loses its mind in creative.

##### -Floralis-

- Increase cactus spread from 4 to 16.

##### -InfernalMobs-

- Increased Spawn rarity from 10 to 12.

##### -ItemCollectors-

- Double size range from 5 to 10 for advanced. So new variables are 5 basic 10 advanced.

##### -K-Turrets-

- Rebalance turrets to match stronger monsters.

##### -NaturesCompass-

- Increase search radius from 50000 to 500000

##### -OreExcavation-

- No longer automatically make things drop in player inventory.

##### -SpikySpikes-v4

- Rebalanced Spikes to match the stronger monsters.

##### -Underground Villages-

- Allow spawning at -40

### Mods

- [U] allthemodium-2.0.4-1.19.2-43.0.7
- [U] alltheores-2.0.1-1.19.2-43.1.3
- [U] appliedenergistics2-forge-12.8.2-beta
- [U] collective-1.19.2-5.7
- [U] CreativeCore_FORGE_v2.8.7_mc1.19.2
- [U] ExtendedCrafting-1.19.2-5.1.0
- [U] Gobber2-Forge-1.19.2-2.7.22
- [U] konkrete_forge_1.5.2_MC_1.19-1.19.2
- [U] MEGACells-1.4.1-1.19.2
- [U] minecolonies-1.19.2-1.0.1067-ALPHA
- [U] PickleTweaks-1.19.2-7.0.1
- [U] pokecube-aio-1.19.2-3.18.2
- [U] PuzzlesLib-v4.3.10-1.19.2-Forge
- [U] structurize-1.19.2-1.0.457-ALPHA
- [U] Xaeros_Minimap_22.16.0_Forge_1.19.1
- [U] XaerosWorldMap_1.28.1_Forge_1.19.1

## Notes

- I spend a long time testing things.
- This is a major update.

P3rf3ct_Zer0 posted a changelog update for Fiction Friction Pixelated M 2 years ago


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Latest Update

Fiction Friction Pixelated M was updated to version rc03-28.0.1