Galaxy Odyssey updated to version
-Added mods: Wild Mobs and Zoocraft Discoveries - more animals!
-Added mods: Awakening Meats and Edit Mob Drops - more meat for those animals
-Disabled spawning for MoCreatures Deer, Dragonfly, and Goat in lieu of new animal mods
-Added mod: VillagerMetaFix - fixes villager trade system oversight
-Updated mod: Village Names to v4.1.3 (to accommodate the trade system oversight fix)
-Updated mod: ChocoCraft Plus to v4.5.4 - Chocobo feathers are now separately registered entities. Any stablehand villagers that had feather trades will now CRASH THE GAME when interacted with! Remove them if possible.
-The default first person renderer is now vanilla
-Entity distance render culling is disabled. It now only applies to Tile Entities.
-Harvestcraft mint foods now require Mint rather than generic spice
-Disabled EnviroMine block physics in the Wyvern Dimension
-Added names to previously unnamed key bindings. GalaxySpace space suit toggle keys have been unbound.
-Added mods: Awakening Meats and Edit Mob Drops - more meat for those animals
-Disabled spawning for MoCreatures Deer, Dragonfly, and Goat in lieu of new animal mods
-Added mod: VillagerMetaFix - fixes villager trade system oversight
-Updated mod: Village Names to v4.1.3 (to accommodate the trade system oversight fix)
-Updated mod: ChocoCraft Plus to v4.5.4 - Chocobo feathers are now separately registered entities. Any stablehand villagers that had feather trades will now CRASH THE GAME when interacted with! Remove them if possible.
-The default first person renderer is now vanilla
-Entity distance render culling is disabled. It now only applies to Tile Entities.
-Harvestcraft mint foods now require Mint rather than generic spice
-Disabled EnviroMine block physics in the Wyvern Dimension
-Added names to previously unnamed key bindings. GalaxySpace space suit toggle keys have been unbound.