Install Galaxy Odyssey

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Galaxy Odyssey) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Galaxy Odyssey from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Galaxy Odyssey Version 2.41.1923

created by AstroTibs on Minecraft 1.7.10

Galaxy Odyssey updated to version

* Disabled side and back jumping
* Bugfix: Witchery's wood types now correctly craft buttons, crafting tables, pressure plates, and slabs
* Bugfix: You can now make slabs out of Palaeoraphe
* Enabled FalseTweaks's Mipmap Fix and Threaded Chunk Updates
* Bitumen has been registered to the ore dictionary as black dye
* Bugfix: Mekanism tank capacity and transfer rate have been brought back to their old values
* OpenBlocks's Tank crafting recipe has been made much cheaper, but now they can only hold 5 buckets of fluid.
* Added localization for Crude Oil in an OpenBlocks Tank
* Added and removed a number of biomes where turtles can spawn
* The Washing Machine now only accepts certain fur, cloth, and leather armors.
* The Dishwasher now only accepts vanilla wooden, stone, iron, and golden items.
* Increased the energy cost to make soap in the Pressurized Reaction Chamber
* You can now make Glow Panels directly in the Pressurized Reaction Chamber using Slick Plastic Blocks and Sodium gas
* "One Ring" no longer appears in Dungeon chests
* Journeymap's between Day/Night/Caves button defaults to disabled
* Removed mod: Hardcore Darkness
* Updated mod: CraftPresence to v2.3.0
* Updated mod: Hodgepodge to v2.4.12
* Updated mods: Mekanism Core and Generators to v9.10.34
AstroTibs posted a changelog update for Galaxy Odyssey 1 year ago


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Latest Update

Galaxy Odyssey was updated to version 2.41.1923