Install Galaxy Odyssey

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Galaxy Odyssey) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Galaxy Odyssey from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Galaxy Odyssey Version 2.41.1923

created by AstroTibs on Minecraft 1.7.10

Galaxy Odyssey updated to version 2.40.4416

* IMPORTANT: Disabled Mekanism Personal Chests because of despawning bug. Make sure you empty your personal chests before making this update!
* Changed the recipe for Chemical Oxidizer, Laser Tractor Beam, and Robit to accommodate removal of Personal Chests
* JourneyMap can now map the Nether and End dimensions
* Some JourneyMap settings now default to the correct values on first launch, and some are no longer strictly enforced
* JourneyMap server configs are now bundled with the pack
* Breaking an Inert Sponge will now drop a Wet Sponge
* Removed "Absorption," "Invisibility," "Mortal Coil," and "Nausea" from Nanomachines effects list
* Increased OpenComputers's Nanobots command range to 3 blocks
* Added Cheese Curd and Cheese of Milk Curd to the foodCheese oredict group
* Umbral Endium can no longer be used in the Chemical Dissolution Chamber, Chemical Injection Chamber, Purification Chamber
* The reaction to make Substrate now produces 250 Ethanol Vapor instead of 50
* Fixed model renderer for many Witchery armor pieces
* Traveller's Gloves now render again
* Chamelium is no longer edible
* Mariculture's Titanium Buckets can no longer be crafted.
* More Planets's Titanium Buckets now use oredict titanium
* Disallowed "healing" and "First aid kit" effects from new Artifacts
* Updated mod: GTNH Lib to v0.2.3
* Updated mod: Hodgepodge to v2.4.25
* Switched mod: JourneyMap to 5.1.4p6-unlimited
AstroTibs posted a changelog update for Galaxy Odyssey 1 year ago


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Latest Update

Galaxy Odyssey was updated to version 2.41.1923