Install Galaxy Odyssey

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Galaxy Odyssey) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Galaxy Odyssey from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Galaxy Odyssey Version 2.41.1923

created by AstroTibs on Minecraft 1.7.10

Galaxy Odyssey updated to version 2.40.7401

* Rolled back JourneyMap version to v5.1.4p6-unlimited because the last version was faulty

v2.40.7400 changelog:
* Halved the number of blocks SoundFilters searches to create reverb effects in order to improve performance
* Flying Cullers is now not suggested during pack install by default
* Changed default RV/FR value for Flying Cullers to 1024
* Removed Lycanites treat item recipes because mobs can't be tamed
* Reduced the drop rate for many Lycanites items
* All Decocraft prop block have been hidden from the Not Enough Items menu. This is done to hopefully combat a memory leak in Decocraft's renderer.
* You can now craft Bacon Cheeseburgers using bacon
* Spice of Life containers can now hold eight items per slot instead of two
* Disabled Flim-Flam enchantment because it conflicts with InfiniteInvo
* Disease fluid will no longer break blocks
* MoCreatures mob spawn frequencies have been adjusted In most cases, mobs will spawn much less frequently.
* Bugfix: Jellyfish, Roaches, Shulkers, Snails should now spawn
* Changed recipes for the Cooking for Blockheads Cabinet, Cabinet Corner, Counter, Counter Corner, Fridge, and Toolrack to use oredict terracotta instead of unstained terracotta
* Due to the Tinkers Construct update, various recipes centered around Red Aurumn and Netherite may have changed
* Dragon's Breath recipe now gives three instead of one
* Added recipe to craft Dragon Essence
* Disabled GalaxySpace's Ancient Relic from spawning
* Archimedes Ships Air Balloons now have glowstone-like gravity stability
* Added temperature effects to Bucket with Ethane-Methane Fluid, Cryotheum Dust, Pyrotheum Dust
* Illusion blocks and MFFS Force Field blocks no longer collapse under gravity
* JourneyMap's minimap switch key will now be set to ] by default, and won't be force-deactivated each launch
* Slightly updated the Pet name syllable pool.
* You now need redstone to convert yellow hearts down to red hearts. This will prevent players from accidentally crafting yellow into red.
* Bugfix: fixed Nether Casting Table and Smeltery Controller graphics
* Added a new title screen splash text
* Added some unused config files to the MoCreatures folder in anticipation of a potential future mod update
* Added mod: Custom Armor Bar
* Updated mod: ArchaicFix to v0.7.2
* Updated mod: ArchitectureCraft to v1.9.4
* Updated mod: Chisel to v2.14.1
* Updated mod: Climate Control to v0.9.2
* Updated mod: Controlling to v2.0.2
* Updated mod: Cooking for Blockheads to v1.3.3
* Updated mod: CoreTweaks to v0.3.3.2
* Updated mod: GTNH Lib to v0.2.10
* Updated mod: Hodgepodge to v2.4.35
* Updated mod: Iron Chests to v6.0.81-pre - you can now create Netherite chests!
* Updated mod: JourneyMap to v5.2.0
* Updated mod: Mantle to v0.4.1
* Updated mod: MAtmos to v36.0.1
* Updated mod: Natura to v2.6.0
* Updated mod: NotEnoughIDs to v2.0.3
* Updated mod: Not Enough Items to v2.5.24
* Updated mod: OpenComputers to v1.10.7
* Updated mod: Railcraft to v9.15.6
* Updated mod: Roguelike Dungeons to v1.6.0
* Updated mod: Serene Seasons to v1.3.1_20240310
* Updated mods: Smart Moving, Player API, Render Player API, and Smart Render to Makamys's fork
* Updated mod: Special Mobs to v3.5.0
* Updated mod: Tic Tooltips to v1.3.1
* Updated mod: Tinkers Construct to v1.11.11
* Updated mod: Twilight Forest to v2.5.18
* Updated mod: UniMixins to v0.1.16
* Updated mod: Village Names to v4.4.8
* Updated mod: Waila to v1.7.1
* Removed mod: Entity Culling Unofficial - it has a memory leak, and will be reinstated once that's fixed.
AstroTibs posted a changelog update for Galaxy Odyssey 11 months ago


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Latest Update

Galaxy Odyssey was updated to version 2.41.1923