Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (GRIMDARK) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select GRIMDARK from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

GRIMDARK Version 2.8.1c

created by frenzy on Minecraft 1.10.2

GRIMDARK updated to version 2.3.9T

added advanced inventory
added cosmetic armor reworked
added modtweaker
removed mtrm
removed ex nihilo omnia
added ex nihilo adscensio
removed ruins and constructs
added foamfix
added mekanism
added mekanism generators
added mekanism tools
updated ftbu / lib
added block armor
added surge
added environmental tech
added et lunar
added ex nihilo ascensio
fixed configs / scripts
added futurepack
added photoptics
fixed yellorium seeds recipe
added random teleport to server spawn
added loads of emc values
disabled explosions inside claimed chunks to allow for mob farms
removed engineer's workshop
removed chunk edge indicator (redundant)
removed loot crates (redundant)
removed more loot tables (redundant)
removed tree growing simulator
added twerk sim 2k16
disabled mechanical user (fluids into air crashes minecraft)
disabled ichisel (crashes minecraft)
enabled some lycanites mobs
updated main menu
updated recipe for me controller
updated recipe for philosopher's stone
added lycanites mobs (for testing purposes, not fully implemented)
added malisisswitches
added forestry
added just enough forestry bees
added spartan shields
added chicken chunks
added steves carts
added steves factory manager
added roguelike dungeons to the nether
added roguelike dungeons to the end
added recipe for tome of knowledge
added recipe for calculation processor
added recipe for engineering processor
added recipe for logic processor
greatly expanded mob drops (wip, server only)
removed recurrent complex (client only)
added ender storage
removed veinminer
added controlling
added neat
added literal ascension
added torch master
added torcharrows
added stacksonstacks
added hyrdrogel
added snad
added fluxnetworks
added ore excavation
added custom main menu
added skyresources
added tinyprogressions
added refined storage
added rebornstorage
added not enough wands
added ars magica 2
added chunk edge indicator
added quantumflux
added advanced generators
added extreme reactors
rolled back excompressum (ignoring config settings for mob spawn)
disabled compressed mobs
added ashenwheat
added slugs eu energy converters
added emc value for skeleton heads(1028), wither skeleton heads (2812)
added openblocks elevator
added mo' glowstone
added all hoes to eio farming station
added emc value for draconic ore dust(16998)
removed creepers riding endermen
gave witches every potion
frenzy posted a changelog update for GRIMDARK 8 years ago


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Latest Update

updated server pack to 2.8.1c