Install Hexical Future 2.0

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Hexical Future 2.0) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Hexical Future 2.0 from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Hexical Future 2.0 Version 2.2 FINAL

created by theland10 on Minecraft 1.7.10

Hexical Future 2.0 updated to version 2.90.30

Updated the following mods:
-lycanites mobs
-more bows
-tinkers construct

Added the following mods:
-AsieLib (dependency for statues)
-Statues mod
-Lava Monsters: re-added since the lavamobs from lycanites have been disabled
-Special Mobs: giving it another try. old version caused issues. still seems to be less mobs spawning at night than usual
-WildCaves 3: seems to be working now with the new version of optifine and fastcraft

-The Mists of RioV 1: The mobs from the mod spawning in the overworld were making the pack much more difficult than intended.

Other new stuff:
-Neglected to mention adding all the user-made dungeons from the chocolate quest wiki in the last update. Added 1 more.
-Added a TON of new ruins to the ruins spawning system

Configuration changes:
-overhauled lycanites mobs
-lowered chances of random castles spawning from chocolatequest
-increased the distance between millenaire villages
-made all the random animals (rhinos, giraffes, ostriches etc) from project zulu non-hostile again.
-turned off resources being spawned by artifice mod that aren't used for anything in the pack because it doesn't include the mods that work alongside artifice (niter, sulfur, oil lakes)
-lowered the amount of battletowers, they have some damn good loot and having them so close was making it too easy to get geared out quick
-adjusted an id conflict with new version of legendgear so it doesn't crash the game when loading a world.
theland10 posted a changelog update for Hexical Future 2.0 10 years ago


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Latest Update

Hexical Future 2.0 was updated to version 2.2 FINAL