Hexical Future 2.0 updated to version 2.151.15
Updated mods:
-CoFH Lib
Replaced Mods:
-Deconstruction table has been replaced by Uncrafting Grinder and Recycle Items Plus.
Recycle items plus allows for direct uncrafting of vanilla armor so long as it's undamaged. And adds smelting of vanilla tools for ore recovery at a loss. Uncrafting grinder lets you grind items down to their base components. Doesn't work on everything and doesn't work on damaged items.
-CoFH Lib
Replaced Mods:
-Deconstruction table has been replaced by Uncrafting Grinder and Recycle Items Plus.
Recycle items plus allows for direct uncrafting of vanilla armor so long as it's undamaged. And adds smelting of vanilla tools for ore recovery at a loss. Uncrafting grinder lets you grind items down to their base components. Doesn't work on everything and doesn't work on damaged items.