Version 4.8 FINAL
Updated mods:
-Fancy Block Particles
-Extra Bit Manipulation
-Chisels and bits
-Chicken Chunks
-Code Chicken Core
Removed left over lag goggles mod from pack testing.
Version 4.5
Too many changes to count. This will likely be the final update for the pack as everything is moving onward to 1.12.2 and up. Forge updated to latest and all mods updated to latest with the exception of crossbows mod.
DO NOT update crossbows mod to the latest version as it breaks the pack.
I'm sure I have also added some mods since the last update. Updated modlist to come as well.
Version 4.10
Updated mods:
-Corail Pillar
-Pillar BOP Extension
-Pillar Quark Extension
-Ore Shrubs
-Hopper Ducts
-Infinity Lib
New Mods:
-Rainbow Oaks
-Connected Textures
Config Changes:
-Adjusted Chance cube spawning
-Disabled Dirks from reforge, recipe conflict prevented bolts from being crafted for crossbows
-Disable ruin spawning in the end
-disable non functioning lootbag recycler
Version 4.01
Added mod globalgamerules. No more manually disabling command block outputs.
Discuss this update (0)Version 4.00
Tons of changes. Too many to list. I've found a new way to manage the pack that is much more efficient and thus have been able to really move forward and and have done a lot of testing since the last update. I'm finally playing my own pack more than I am working on it because it's all coming together.
Forge has been updated to the lastest version as well as MANY mods that were already in the pack.
Only a couple of small mods have been added.The only larger notable mod is the addition of dungeondq for even more dungeons to explore.
Installed versions of certain mods have been adjusted to prevent certain crashes.
Multiple smaller mods have been removed either in favor of a newer, different mod, or just not being an important enough feature to keep in the pack.
Spawn rates of dungeons from structpro, dungeondq, and ruins have all been adjusted to be much more sprawled out to promote more exploration and not have everything feel so overwhelming.
Starting inventory now includes a backpack.
Version 3.50
Updated to latest version of Forge
Removed mods:
-Dragon Realm (in favor of Ice and Fire)
New Mods:
-Compressed Blocks
-Ender Portal Decoration
-Glare Torch
-Ice and Fire
-Iron Apples
-Mob Ends
-Pillar Extension Biomes O Plenty
-Pillar Extension Quark
Updated Mods:
-Ad Chimneys
-Corail Pillar
-Cyclops Core
Schematics for structpro:
-Fixed 8 existing schematics
-Added 3 water schematics
-Added 5 underwater schematics
-Added 5 floating schematics
-Added 5 town schematics
-Added 15 tower schematics
-Added 14 Temple Building schematics
-Added 7 Nether schemtics
-Added 10 mountain schematics
-Added 11 Snow Castles
-Added 18 Desert Castles
-Added 66 Common Castles
Version 3.26
Forgot some schematics!
-9 Nature Temple Schematics
-2 Ruin Temple Schematics
-11 Underwater Schematics
Version 3.25
Removed Mods:
-Lawnmower - fluff an had high mod initialization time
-IvToolkit -only needed for recurrent complex
-Recurrent Complex - removed to increase performance. Significant decrease in RAM usage with both IVToolkit and Recurrent Complex removed.
Updated Mods:
-Chest Transporter
Updated Schematics:
-Fixed End Castle
-Fixed Corrupted Ship
Added Schematics:
-8 new water schematics
-8 new underground schematics
-28 new floating schematics
Version 3.20
New mod:
Updated mods:
-Better FPS
-Chest Transporter
Config changes:
-Adjust structure spawn rates from structpro.
-Asjust xp cost of overpowered inventory.
Version 3.12
Structpro loot no longer contains things like command blocks, structure blocks, etc.
Discuss this update (0)Version 3.11
Disabled mod items in structpro loot. Made it too easy to get good gear early on.
Discuss this update (0)Version 3.10
New mods:
Removed mods:
-ItemZoom - Wasn't working properly
Updated mods:
Config changes:
-Lava Crossing schematic no longer spawns underwater.
-Adjust structpro loot rarity
-Changed XP cost/advancement for overpowered inventory
-Disabled starter gem for MCA
-Updated starting inventory gear
-Wooden tools now craftable again (Sorry!)
Version 3.01
Fixed duplicate mod issue.
Also config changes that should've been on last patch notes:
-Dungeontactics config cahnges for new version to reflect old version
-Same for foamfix
-Forge config changed to increase performance
-Turned off corn fields from simplecorn to avoid a crash.
-Set spawn parameters for Magma Monsters
-Orespawn config set
-Structpro config set
Version 3.0
Major update! Back up your saves people!
Updated to latest forge.
New mods:
-Custom Starting Gear
Updated Mods:
-God Weapons
-Tinkers' Addons
Removed Mods:
-BabyMobs - Causing crashes with how mobs are spawned in structpro dungeons
-SimpleOreGen - replaced by orespawn
Version 2.70
Updated forge version
Updated mods:
-better combat mod
-abyssalcraft integration
-better achievements
-biomes o plenty
-chance cubes
-chisels and bits
-code chicken core
-code chicken lib
-cyclops core
-extra bit manipulation
-fancyblock particles
-flat colored blocks
-gold in them thar hills
-iron backpacks
-item physic full
-iv toolkit
-Levels (now Levels 2)
-more furnaces
-mysterious miscellany
-recurrent complex
-reptile mod
-roguelike dungeons
-simply conveyors
-sophisticated wolves
-sparks hammers
-spartan shields
-storage drawers
-tinkers addons
-tiny progressions
-tool upgrades
-utility worlds
NEW mods:
-grimoire of gaia
-hammer core
-playerstats 2
-tool upgrades
-zombie awareness
Removed mods (may have already removed in last update, honestly don't remember)
-Mo Villages.
Version 2.50
Added mods:
-Survival Tweaks
Updated mods:
Config changes:
-Battletower loot tweaked, new items added.
-Setup for DarkUtils
-Lootbag droprate nerfed substantially. They were way too crazy high
-Overall mob difficulty adjusted. They aren't as crazy hard now.
-Ore generation tweaked
-SurvivalTweaks config set.
-Gravel removed from being able to be veinmined
-Ruins spawning tweaked slightly
Version 2.40
New mods:
Updated mods:
Config changes:
-Changed a couple of settings for Cyclic
-Turned of de-duplication on foamfix to make loading faster
-Tweaked default settings for ForageCraft
-Adjusted spawn rates for ReccurrentComplex
-Pandora's box... again... still has duplication glitch.
Version 2.33
Tweaked battletower and infernal mobs loot tables
Updated RTG mod.
Version 2.30
Added mods:
Updated Mods:
Version 2.25
-Inventory Tweaks - causing issues, also other mods that achieve same goal
-Giacomos Foundry - in favor of uncrafting grinders
-Pandora's Box
-Overpowered Inventory
-Tinker's Tool Leveling
-Malisis Core
-Moving World
-Enabled uncrafting grinder in cyclic
-Disabled achievement diplomas
-Config'd Overpowered Inventory settings
-Decreased Super Ore Spawn rate
-Fixed SimpleOreGen settings for new update.
-Turned off death note
Version 2.17
Removed pandora's box.
Was causing weird glitches with inventory and had a dupe glitch. May be able to fix it. Just removing it for now and will test out possible work around.
Version 2.16
Rolled back installed version of Mysterious Miscellany. Latest version added an enchant that causes a crash with the elytra.
Discuss this update (1)Version 2.15
Added mod:
Updated Mods:
-Tinker's Construct
-Storage Drawers
-Spartan Shields
Config Changes:
-Creepers no longer turn invisible and aren't as fast.
-Other small tweaks to mob settings.
Version 2.11
Added file to prompt users for Java and memory requirements.
Discuss this update (0)Version 2.10
Added mods:
-Gods Weapons
-Item Physic Full
-Small change in capsule default configs.
Version 2.05
Updated mods:
-Simply Conveyors
-Storage Drawers
Added mod:
-Floodlights - Kept RF floodlights enabled because there actually is ONE and only ONE way to get RF in the pack since it is more of a medieval adventure RPG pack.
Config changes:
-Removed adventure bag added by Quark. It made iron chests pointless.
-Adjusted UV floodlights range.
-Removed graphics settings file so *hopefully* users can now set their graphics how they want without having to re-do their settings with each update.
Version 2.03
Config adjustments for:
-Better Combat - Whereas I like the idea of melee weapons having an extra block reach, I do not like the idea of them being able to hit you through single block walls. Especially given how crazy mob abilities can get.
-Levels - Weapons now level slower.
-Mossy cobblestone can no longer be veinmined
Added mod:
-Teletoro - I have NOT tested this yet.
Version 1.70
Updated mods:
-Chisels and Bits
-Radix Core
Added Mods:
-Mine and blade battlegear 2
-Grapple Mod
-Minecraft Comes alive
-Quick Crafting
-Tools plus
Version 1.60
Updated Forge Version
Updated Mods:
-survival wings
-Infernal Mobs
-Lunatrius Core
Added Mods:
-Chest Transporter
-Chococraft 2
-Colossal Chests & Cyclops Core
Removed Mods:
-Voxel Map
Version 1.58
Added mods:
Bow Evolution Mod
Dragon Mounts
Kreezxil's Compressed Blocks
Updated mods:
Version Checker
Lunatrius Core
Removed Mods:
Dalek Mod Lite
Version 1.52
Removed definitely not seeds. Meant to do so in last update. Has random problems updating inventory, and overwrites the drops from zelda mod.
Discuss this update (0)Version 1.51
Took out Concraft and re-added MCA. Seems concraft is what was making villagers run rampant.
Discuss this update (0)Version 1.5
MCA.... sorry, villagers were running rampant and no config changes seems to fix them.
Animals plus
better fps
bison mod
decoration megapack
dense ores
definitely not seeds
item physic
pop enchant tags
ore seeds
pig manure
quick hot bar
sound filters
Version 1.42
Replaced mapwriter with voxelmap.
Tweaked some options with MCA to try to keep villagers from taking over the world.
Version 1.35
Configured loot lists for infernal mobs.
Re-did ruins template files in an attempt to get rid of random structures causing crashes.
Version 1.3.2
Added Minecraft Comes Alive
Updated NEI and CodeChickenCore.
Version 1.3
Added mods:
Bedrock Tools
Singularity Mod
Steel Industries
The little things
Adjusted config files:
Added new tools to veinminer settings
Fixed setting in damage indicators to avoid lighting glitch
Misc. small tweaks
Version 1.25
Added mods:
Config changes:
Survival wings added to loot lists.
Last changelog stated blocklings was removed due to a conflict, it actually wasn't removed (accidentally) and apparently something else was the conflict.
Version 1.2
Added mods:
shadows wooden and stone armor
better bedrock gen
dalek mod
extra achievements
the epicarno mod
igneous additions
mob rebirth
reptile mod
utility worlds
wood dimension
Removed mods:
multipage chest (redundant, and too easy to acquire)
aroma1997s mining world (replaced by utility dimensions)
Adjusted configs for:
vienminer, direction hud, everything new added
Version 1.1
Removed mods:
-Slime Dungeon
-Epic Quest
Updated config files:
-All mod tools now work with veinminer
-Configured loot for battletowers
-Configured loot for floating ruins
-Tweaked loot options for both quartzprismarine and emeraldobsidian mods.