Hexical Future 3 updated to version 2.70
Updated forge version
Updated mods:
-better combat mod
-abyssalcraft integration
-better achievements
-biomes o plenty
-chance cubes
-chisels and bits
-code chicken core
-code chicken lib
-cyclops core
-extra bit manipulation
-fancyblock particles
-flat colored blocks
-gold in them thar hills
-iron backpacks
-item physic full
-iv toolkit
-Levels (now Levels 2)
-more furnaces
-mysterious miscellany
-recurrent complex
-reptile mod
-roguelike dungeons
-simply conveyors
-sophisticated wolves
-sparks hammers
-spartan shields
-storage drawers
-tinkers addons
-tiny progressions
-tool upgrades
-utility worlds
NEW mods:
-grimoire of gaia
-hammer core
-playerstats 2
-tool upgrades
-zombie awareness
Removed mods (may have already removed in last update, honestly don't remember)
-Mo Villages.
Updated mods:
-better combat mod
-abyssalcraft integration
-better achievements
-biomes o plenty
-chance cubes
-chisels and bits
-code chicken core
-code chicken lib
-cyclops core
-extra bit manipulation
-fancyblock particles
-flat colored blocks
-gold in them thar hills
-iron backpacks
-item physic full
-iv toolkit
-Levels (now Levels 2)
-more furnaces
-mysterious miscellany
-recurrent complex
-reptile mod
-roguelike dungeons
-simply conveyors
-sophisticated wolves
-sparks hammers
-spartan shields
-storage drawers
-tinkers addons
-tiny progressions
-tool upgrades
-utility worlds
NEW mods:
-grimoire of gaia
-hammer core
-playerstats 2
-tool upgrades
-zombie awareness
Removed mods (may have already removed in last update, honestly don't remember)
-Mo Villages.