Meu brother eu enchi essa porra de mods
Mods: Big Reactors Chisel Super Multi-Drills Thermal Tinkering CobbleDrops Advanced Factory Wawla Baubles Thaumcraft Witching Gadgets Gadomancy Thermal Smeltery ModTweaker Gendustry RFTools CoFH Core Thermal Expansion Thermal Dynamics Thermal Foundation The Twilight Forest Biomes O' Plenty DecoCraft2 Better Questing Hats Roguelike Dungeons Inventory Pets Adventure Backpack Morph Custom NPCs AbyssalCraft Advanced Rocketry Minecraft Comes Alive (MCA) Back Tools Grimoire of Gaia Ruins (Structure Spawning System) Tinkers Construct Extra Utilities Mekanism Industrial Craft Chest Transporter Portal Gun BiblioCraft Botania Carpenter's Blocks Cooking for Blockheads Pam's HarvestCraft AppleCore JurassiCraft Food Expansion JourneyMap Iron Chests Forestry Magic Bees BetterFps GraveStone Mod GalacticSpawn (pre made modpack)