Install Hydrocraft Reloaded 2

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Hydrocraft Reloaded 2) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Hydrocraft Reloaded 2 from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Hydrocraft Reloaded 2 Version 2.6.0

created by DAT3NGY on Minecraft 1.12.2

How to update the Hydrocraft Reloaded server:

IMPORTANT: Back up your world(s) and any other important files to a safe location! Neither I, or the mod authors are responsible for any damages or loss of worlds. This shouldn't happen but better safe than sorry.

Method 1 (safer):

  1. Download the new server files.
  2. Copy the, the world file, server files like all the .json files, etc. from your old server to the new server. Keep a copy of the world folder in a safe place. Wait until the files have been copied.
  3. Launch the server. The server has now been updated.

Method 2 (risky if you don't know what you're doing):

  1. Download the new server files.
  2. Delete the mods, scripts, config, libraries, Hydrocraft.jar, minecraft-server.1.12.2.jar from your current server.
  3. Copy the mods, scripts, config, libraries, Hydrocraft.jar, minecraft-server.1.12.2.jar from the new downloaded server files to your current server. Keep a copy of the world folder in a safe place. Wait until the files have been copied.
  4. Launch the server. The server has now been updated.

How do I launch the server?

  • If running on Windows, just double click on launch.bat and the server should start.
  • If running on Linux, depending on your distribution, you might have to right click on and go to properties, then change the permissions to "Allow executing file as a program." Now you should be able to double click on to start the server.

Known bugs/issues:

  1. Silver Ore appears to be unaffected by light levels.
  2. Ghost generator visual glitches (generators may appear to be relocated but aren't actually there while the original generator is invisible. Presumed fixed as of 2.5.0
  3. Occasional client-side crashes when teleporting, opening GUI menus, or other actions. Presumed fixed as of 2.4.0
  4. Updating the modpack may replace custom minimap options. This is intentional so that new users will have the minimap placed on the top right corner as opposed to the top left corner to not interfere with with the Galacticraft oxygen indicator. Can be solved by keeping a copy of xaerosminimap.txt in a separate location and then manually replacing it whenever the modpack updates. Waypoints are still retained in between updates.
  5. Items may not show up in your inventory right away. You must open a crafting table or container to see recently acquired items.
  6. Server may occasionally lag for seconds at a time causing all players to get kicked out. Should work fine again after this happens. Allocating more RAM to the server may fix this issue.
  7. Taking telepads across dimensions may cause you to not be able to interact with anything. quitting and rejoining the world or server should fix this issue.
  8. Many Mekanism Items such as Atomic Disassemblers appear invisible. Fixed as of 2.4.6

Still need help? Report problems that you're having here. Click on the tab called "Issues" and then click the button that says "New issue." Then describe the issue with the best of your ability and include many details. Include logs/crash reports if possible. If you report a bug and I am able to confirm it, I will forward the issue to the mod developers.

Latest Update

Hydrocraft Reloaded 2 was updated to version 2.6.0