Here's the list of mods:
- Advanced Machines
- Advanced Solar Panel
- AE2
- Applied Energistics 2
- Astral Sorcery
- Backpacks
- BetterRecords
- BibilioCraft
- Biomes O Plenty
- Buildcraft
- CodeChickenLib
- CoFH Core
- CoFH World
- ComputerCraft
- DenseMetals
- Disenchanter
- Dungeon Tactics
- Dugeons 2
- Extra Planets
- Extreme Reactors
- Forgelin
- GalacticCraft
- Genetics Reborn
- Gravisuite
- Hwyla
- iChunUtil
- Immersive Engineering
- ICĀ²
- Iron chests
- Inventory Tweaks
- JourneyMap
- Levels Mod
- Mantle
- Mekanism
- Mercurius
- MicDoodleCore
- Minions Mod
- MJR Legends
- OMlib
- OpenBlocks
- OpenModsLib
- Open Modular Turrets
- Optifine
- Overlord
- Pneumatic Craft
- Redstone Flux
- Reforged mod
- Roguelike Dungeons
- RPG inv mod
- Scaling health
- Secret Rooms
- Security Craft
- Shatter Mod
- Silent lib
- Switch bow mod
- Tconstruct
- Tech guns
- Thermal Dynamics
- Thermal Expansion
- Thermal Foundation
- TreeCapitator
- Wearable Backpacks
- Zerocore