<h1>Welcome to INGen Corporation!</h1>
We are the people behind the astonishing Jurassic World and we've hired you
for a reason!
You will build the next amazing Jurassic World!
<h3>Good Luck!</h3>
/Hugglon, the creator of this modpack
<h3>MOD LIST</h3>
StartingInventory - bspkrs
TreeCapitator - bspkrs
Carpenter's Blocks - Mineshopper
Chisel 2 - warlordjones, tterrrag1098
CodeChickenCore - chicken_bones
Custom NPC's - Noppes
CyanosLootableBodies - DrCyano
ForgeMultipart - chicken_bones
InventoryTweaks - Kobata
InventoryTweaksAPI - Kobata
Fossils and Archeology Revival - Fossils Revival
LLibrary - iLexiconn
Mantle - progwml6, bonusboni
MrCrayfish Furniture Mod - MrCrayfish
NEI (Not Enough Items) - chicken_bones
Optifine - sp614x
Tinker's Construct - mDiyo
Xaeros Minimap - xaero96
Adventure Backpack - JavierDarkona
Malisis Doors - Ordinastie
Malisis Core - Ordinastie
We are the people behind the astonishing Jurassic World and we've hired you
for a reason!
You will build the next amazing Jurassic World!
<h3>Good Luck!</h3>
/Hugglon, the creator of this modpack
<h3>MOD LIST</h3>
StartingInventory - bspkrs
TreeCapitator - bspkrs
Carpenter's Blocks - Mineshopper
Chisel 2 - warlordjones, tterrrag1098
CodeChickenCore - chicken_bones
Custom NPC's - Noppes
CyanosLootableBodies - DrCyano
ForgeMultipart - chicken_bones
InventoryTweaks - Kobata
InventoryTweaksAPI - Kobata
Fossils and Archeology Revival - Fossils Revival
LLibrary - iLexiconn
Mantle - progwml6, bonusboni
MrCrayfish Furniture Mod - MrCrayfish
NEI (Not Enough Items) - chicken_bones
Optifine - sp614x
Tinker's Construct - mDiyo
Xaeros Minimap - xaero96
Adventure Backpack - JavierDarkona
Malisis Doors - Ordinastie
Malisis Core - Ordinastie