Install It's A Big World Out There

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (It's A Big World Out There) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select It's A Big World Out There from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

It's A Big World Out There Version 1.3

created by ALPenguin19 on Minecraft 1.7.10
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Hey, I don't know you are even active here but the modpack download link isn't working. I want to specifically download it for the mod The Mists of RioV II. I have been looking for this mod a long time now and it would be great if you fix the download link.
k2141 2 years ago
Hey I added the thaumcraftneiplugin to the mod list and thaumcraft doesn't crash anymore.
ManiacalRedPanda 8 years ago
So I found that when you log off the game the next time you log on all your map waypoints and areas of the map you have uncovered are gone, not sure if this is just the map mod or a conflict between mods. Its very frustrating.
LadyGrelka 8 years ago
I am working on a fix for the invisible players in a LAN world. I'll post an update as soon as I get it fixed.
likeaboss1943 8 years ago
yes same here, also thank you for adding in TiC
Lightdeck 9 years ago
When im playing lan i cant see my friends. all i can see is his name, health, and the type of weapon hes holding. Not the actual weapon just words saying diamond sword then a list of enchantments
ben_dover 9 years ago
Add tinkerers construct with metallurgy/ Extra TiC, and is there a way you can make the npc villagers use mod weapons?
Lightdeck 9 years ago
fix thaumcraft please keeps closing while i click on something in the book
Concon22 9 years ago
add orespawn please or/and a gravity from any mod I don't care thanks!
esn511 9 years ago
nice mod pack :)
thewayoutwest 9 years ago

Latest Update

It's A Big World Out There was updated to version 1.3