Install Jaden's Scrungle Dungeon

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Jaden's Scrungle Dungeon) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Jaden's Scrungle Dungeon from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Jaden's Scrungle Dungeon Version 1.07beta

created by JadenGH on Minecraft 1.18.2

Jaden's Scrungle Dungeon updated to version 1.06beta

+ Fixed the textures of most mobs related to "illagers".
+ Added mod TrashSlot
+ Added mod ConfigurableKeepInventory
> By default, the player now loses all inventory slots EXCEPT the hotbar, chestplate, and offhand, to prevent suicidally rushing in to situations.
+ Added mod HeyBerryShutUp -- prevents damage from berry bushes.
+ Added mod Ironchests
+ Fixed swallowing sounds being very loud for all players.
+ Fixed wandering trader sounds being very loud for all players.
~ Increased the damage multiplier of iron golems to 0.66 (from 0.45).
~ Minor balance changes of weapons. Zweihanders are slightly faster (to make up for the incredibly few amount of times you can swing them in one combo). Other slight numerical changes.
~ Increased chance for a certain song to play while underground from 1% to 3%.
~ Replaced several songs in the generic songlist that were causing confusion.
~ Adjusted the fade in/out timings of several music triggers, especially battle music triggers.
- Removed Savage and Ravage: it made raids much too chaotic and difficult.
- Disabled spawning of Twittollagers, Igniters, Viler Witches, and Tank Illagers.
- Reduced the spawnrate of floams/foamcasters and other very common daytime mobs.
- Completely removed slimes and squigs as they were just an annoyance rather than an interesting or threatening enemy.
- Reduced the frequency of floating temple structures spawning.
- Removed the target indicator.
JadenGH posted a changelog update for Jaden's Scrungle Dungeon 1 year ago


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Latest Update

Jaden's Scrungle Dungeon was updated to version 1.07beta