Install lilroc's The Dreading

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (lilroc's The Dreading) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select lilroc's The Dreading from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

lilroc's The Dreading Version SV2.19.23.0

created by lilroc125 on Minecraft 1.16.5

A horror(?)-themed pack I made for me and friends :)

DO YOU HATE YOURSELF? You come to the right place, try out THIS. Inspired by FTB Ultimate and Vanilla+ stuff, I put this together because I decided I wanted to torture myself and other people. Experience questing, exploration, and a very difficult mode called "master mode", it's kinda hard. Explore 6 NEW dimensions and 2 very very very modded and cool ones (Better Nether and Better End). If you complete all quests I WILL give you a cookie IN REAL LIFE and give you a hug

THE GUIDE IS OUTDATED!!! May be updated at some other point The Dreading Overview Guide

Dedicate 4 Gigs of ram or the modpack won't run properly.

Please note I'm too lazy to update the modlist lol

The mods:

  • The Abyss: Beginning
  • Abundance
  • AI Improvements
  • Alex's Mobs
  • AmbientSounds 5
  • Apotheosis
  • AppleSkin
  • Archer's Paradox
  • Artifacts
  • Atmospheric
  • AttributeFix
  • Awesome Dungeon Overworld
  • Awesome Dungeon Ocean
  • Awesome Dungeon End
  • Basic Nether Ores
  • Battle Towers Lite
  • Better Badlands
  • Better Compatibility
  • BetterPVP
  • Better-Shields
  • BetterEnd
  • BetterF3
  • BetterNether
  • Biome ID Fixer
  • Blue Skies
  • Champions
  • Charm
  • Charms
  • Chocolate Fix
  • Chunk Animator
  • Classic Bars
  • Clumps
  • Colytra
  • Cooking for Blockheads
  • Corpse
  • CraftTweaker
  • Creeper AI Updated
  • Damage Tilt
  • Damage Tint
  • Deadly End Phantoms
  • Death Finder
  • Weeping Angels
  • Dusk
  • Elenai Dodge
  • Emendatus Enigmatica
  • Emojiful
  • Enchantment Descriptions
  • Enhanced AI
  • Enhanced Celestials
  • Entity Culling
  • Epic Fight (Disabled)
  • Eyes in the Darkness
  • FerriteCore
  • Fish's Undead Rising
  • Forgiving Void
  • FPS Reducer
  • FTB Industrial Contraptions
  • FTB Quests
  • FTB Teams
  • Global Gamerules
  • Glow Bats
  • Goblin Traders
  • Guard Villagers
  • Hololive: Relics
  • Hostile Mobs and Girls
  • Immersive Engineering
  • Immersive FX
  • Improved Backpacks
  • Industrial Foregoing
  • Infernal BugZ
  • Instrumental Mobs
  • Iron Chests
  • Item Filters
  • JEITweaker
  • Just Enough Items
  • Krypton
  • KubeJS
  • Lazy DataFixerUpper
  • Loot Games
  • Magma Monsters
  • MagmaFurnace (removed)
  • Rubidium Families
  • Majrusz's Progressive Difficulty
  • Mekanism
  • Mekanism Generators
  • Miner's Helmet
  • Morpheus
  • Mouse Tweaks
  • Mowzie's Mobs
  • Mutant Beasts
  • Mutant More
  • Myrtrees
  • Nasty Mobs
  • Nature's Compass
  • Nether Skeletons
  • NetherPortalFix
  • Not Enough Crashes
  • Pandoras Creatures
  • Passable Foilage
  • Performant (disabled)
  • PetFish - New Dimension
  • PlayerEx
  • Polymorph
  • Project Red
  • Quark
  • RandomPatches
  • Refined Storage+Additions
  • Relics
  • Repurposed Structures
  • Resourceful Bees (Disabled)
  • Rings of Ascension
  • Savage Ender Dragon
  • Save My Stronghold
  • Serene Seasons
  • Simple Discord RPC
  • Simple Voice Chat
  • Sit
  • Snow Under Trees
  • Soul Sands Mobs
  • spark
  • Spartan Weaponry
  • Spawner Bug Fix
  • Special AI (Disabled)
  • Spiders 2.0
  • Stalwart Dungeons
  • Stoneholm, Underground Villages
  • Subterranean Wilderness
  • The Abyss II
  • The Afterlight
  • The Bumblezone
  • The Endergetic Expansion
  • The Graveyard
  • The Legend of Herobrine
  • The Outer End
  • The Twilight Forest
  • Thermal Expansion
  • Thermal Foundation
  • Tinkers Construct
  • Tips
  • Titles
  • Total Darkness
  • Traverler's Titles
  • Traverse
  • Tumbleweed
  • Undead Army!
  • Vein Mining
  • Villagers Respawn
  • Waystones
  • Wesley's Rouguelike Dungeons
  • When Dungeons Arise
  • Xaero's World Map
  • XP Tome
  • YUNG's Better Caves
  • YUNG's Better Mineshafts
  • YUNG's Better Strongholds
  • YUNG's Extras
  • Zombie Awareness (disabled)
  • Zonko's Monsters (disabled)

Enjoy the modpack!

Latest Update

lilroc's The Dreading was updated to version SV2.19.23.0