Install lilroc's The Dreading

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (lilroc's The Dreading) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select lilroc's The Dreading from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

lilroc's The Dreading Version SV2.19.23.0

created by lilroc125 on Minecraft 1.16.5


Version SV2.19.23.0


There are bugs in this update due to mods being updated! Please report them! I'm sure there's still an issue with rendering, if there is please report it too.

#Gameplay changes:
- <Add Guns Without Roses>
*For further combat, guns in Minecraft!!*
- Remove First Person Model
*Made me sick anyways, was also buggy*

- <Add Starlight X Create>
*Lighting engine upgrade, should increase FPS a little*
- <Add Performant>
*Despite being dangerous, I assume it's more stable*
- Removed RoadRunner
*This caused crashes with some mods in the pack, maybe they will stop?*

#Resource Pack:
- Add Entity Texture Features
- Add Falling Leaves

- Update most mods

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Version SV9.4.22.0


#Gameplay changes:
- <Add grapple hooks>
*The speedrun of all time*
- <Adjust Herobrine spawnrate>
*Pretty less op*

#Misc changes:
- <Add essentials GUI>
- <Update Main Menu>
- Update loading screen
- Tweak some menus
- Fix various menus being weird with smaller resolutions
- Fix loading screen being weird with smaller resolutions
- Updated few mods

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Version SV9.2.22.0


#Gameplay changes:
- <Made Herobrine Mages very rare>
*This is to avoid players getting confused by random teleportation and weakness*
- <Nerf Weeping-Angel spawnrate>
*Now they're even more rare, considering they spawn in more biome types*
- Adjusted Guard Villager Config

#Misc changes:
- <Update many mods>
- <Add TexTrue's Rubidium Options>
*For compatibility*
- Add Credits menu
*May be updated*
- Updated Rub and Oculus
*Hopefully less crashing*
- Adjust mod menu config
- Adjust BetterPVP config

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Version SV8.24.22.0


[x]: The Friends (frens) update

#Gameplay changes:
- <Add Essential Mod>
*Easier to connect with friends and some more stuff, cosmetics too!*
- <Add ReAuth>
*User friendly auth system that fixes having to restart the client when there's an invalid session*
- <Add Lost Trinkets>
*rewarded by completing different tasks such as killing hostiles, farming, killing bosses, etc*
- <Fix config error with NotEnoughCrashes>
*Remember how the game would stay open in the background while quitting? Yeah it was just a config error, now I'm able to update some mods that needed updating.*
- Adjust mutantbeasts spawning

#Misc changes:
- Updated defaultoptions in KubeJS
- Updated few mods

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Version SV8.23.22.0


#Gameplay changes:
- <Add Lava Walker enchantment>
*Similar to Frost Walker*
- <Add Straw Golem>
*Simple mod that adds a golem that could farm crops for you*
- Fix some quest rewards

#Misc changes:
- Add more menu stuff
- Adjust camera overhaul config
- Adjust BetterPVP config

#Resource pack:
- Updated some textures to be dark
- Replaced some music and sounds

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Version SV8.21.22.2


#Gameplay changes:
- <Nerfed Weeping Angels>
*Made them rarer, made them slower, made them teleport you closer*
- <Nerfed Blue Nasty Skeleton>
*Should be extremely rare to find now, an attempt on finding random flinging while playing*

#Misc changes:
- Attempt to fix menus with weird monitor resolutions
- Fix EZ Debug button from being off screen
- Update some misc menu stuff for better looks

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Version SV8.21.22.1


[x]: General cleanup update

#Gameplay changes:
- <Add Bumblezone quests>
*Minor quests for fun*
- <Made parasites spawn in more mobs>
- Made Piranhas more rare

#Misc changes:
- Add eating animation
- Add swing through grass
- Update some menu tooltips
- Updated minimap configs
- Don't force fullscreen
- Remove betterbiomeblend
- Remove dripsounds
- Remove chunkanimator (for now)
- Remove performant
- Remove zonko's monsters

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Version SV8.21.22.0


#Gameplay changes:
- Adjusted End Generation

#Misc changes:
- <Add EZ Debug menu for non-F3 users>
*All it does is memory checks*
- Update some menu sounds
- Update loading screen

#Resource pack:
- Use custom click sound
- Updated some sounds
- Completely migrate resource pack to paxi configs

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Version SV8.20.22.0


#Gameplay changes:
- <Add Oh The Biomes You'll Go (+Addon)>
*Tons of new biomes, End and Nether included + upgraded vanilla biomes*
- <Add First Person Model>
*Model now renders in first person*
- Add more menu photos
- Don't force fullscreen
*Now it's on for first time startups*
- Fixed menu sounds
- Updated few mods

#FancyMenu (Client changes)
- Add custom icon

FPM crashing on a very rare instance, attempted to fix, seems stable. Might remove though if there's still a problem.
This is the final major update to The Dreading before it is finalized, awaiting feedback to fix any critical issues so I could label this pack as stable!!!!!

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Version SV8.15.22.0


- <Add Explorer's Compass>
- Disabled Better Biome Blend
*Possible crash fix*
- Disabled Water Drip Sound
*Broken and possible crash fix*
- Fix menu sound

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Version SV8.14.22.2


another hotfix
- Fix loading screen for smaller windows
- Fix custom menu resources

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Version SV8.14.22.1


- <Migrate resource pack to paxi configs to fix resource pack bug>
- Force full screen
*Can be disabled by just disabling full screen*

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Version SV8.14.22.0


[TODO]: Add more quests (mutant beasts, bumblezone). More resource pack stuff (songs, ambient?, textures)
#Gameplay changes:
- <Add Bumblezone>
*A beehive is now a portal*
- <Add Better Badlands>
*Improved badlands biome*
- <Add Atmospheric>
*A handful of new biomes*
- <Add Abundance>
*Flowers to biomes*
- <Add The Graveyard>
*A spooky biome*
- <Add Nature's Compass>
*Compass that allows biome location*
- <Add YUNG's Extras>
*Smaller structures around the world*
- <Add Tumbleweed>
*Random tumbleweeds in sandy places*
- <Add Elenai Dodge>
- <Add Mutant Beasts and Mutant More>
- <Add Passable Foilage>
*Leaves are no longer solid*
- <Add Better End Cities>
- <Add End Crystal Boss Bar>
- <Add Better Villages>
- <Made Witches throw blindness too>
- <Made Weeping Angels more rare and spawn in more biomes>
*They now teleport you further too!*
- Add Serene Seasons
- Disabled Zonko Monsters
*Broken mod*
- Removed Magmafurnace
*Broken mod*
- Fix complete darkness not working

#Misc Changes:
- <Add Better Fps Render Distance>
- <Add RoadRunner>
*Performance boosts*
- <Add Camera Overhaul>
*Makes view bobbing tilt*
- <Add Memory settings>
*Users now prompt*
- <Fix game closing unsuccessfully and staying in the background>
*Involved Discord RPC, hopefully it's actually fixed?*
- Add Paxi
*Datapacks and Resourcepacks global!!*
- Add Better Ping Display
- Add Enhanced Visuals
- Add Item Borders
- Add Smooth Boot
- Add Game Menu Mod Option
- Add Not Enough Animations
- Add Music Duration Reducer
- Add Ambient Environment
- Add Drip Sounds
- Add Sound Filters
- Adjusted Better Caves and made better caves spawn in more dimensions
- Disabled Particle Culling
*fixes a lot of things*
- Disabled Chunk Animator
- Disabled Charm Music Mod
- Removed SpecialAI
- Removed ResourcefulBees
- Removed TotalDarkness for sodium version
- Disabled Performant
- Updated language files in kube.js

#Resource pack:
- Music stuff

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Version Beta8.6.22.0


[TODO]: Add more quests for minibosses (magmafurnace, mutant beasts, bumblezone, undergarden)
#Gameplay changes:
- <Add Custom Starter Gear>
*Some inventory optimization*
- <Set keepinventory to false>
*Fixed so you don't keep your inventory*
- <Made master mode harder>
*Vanillia mobs now have 50 HP (double?) base health on normal mode and 2x amplified damage*
- Add Not Enough Animations
- Made Nasty Skeletons explosive arrows drop blocks
- Fix a guidebook not spawning
- Fix some quest rewards and adjusted some
- Attempt to fix game staying open
- Adjust subterrain caves
*This is due to caves being annoying to venture into*
- Adjust vertical and horizontal cave spawning
- Adjust minimap settings

#Internal Changes:
- Removed bee.items from KubeJS

#Resource pack:
- Replaced some music with my own, i have NO music experience
- Adjust some cave ambient

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Version Beta7.30.22.1


- Fixed some config

Please backup saves and reinstall the pack!

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Version Beta7.30.22.0


[TODO]: Fix up questing, add more maybe based on magmafurnace bosses. Check out AI problems and questing problems. Gameplay changes for current diff stuff, more hud stuff?
[x]: A very performance and quest focused update, prepare to see improved performance boosts(?)!!

#Gameplay changes:
- <Add quests for majority of the game>
*Please report any gameplay issues*
- <Add Drippy Loading Screen>
*Brand new loading screen overhaul*
- <Add Tips>
*Various random tips for the player while loading into worlds or paused*
- <Add Better F3>
*F3 Menu overhaul*
- <Made minimap display cords only>
*Other stuff was useless*
- <Made master mode harder>
*Screw you*
- Adjusted some HUD to work better with other stuff
- Tweaked some minimap looks
- Various fixes and tweaks for the main menu
- Add Entity Collision FPS Fix
- Add Rubidium
- Add Rubidium Dynamic Lights
- Add Rubidium Extras
- Add Oculus
- Add LazyDFU
- Add Krypton Reforged
- Add Spark
- Add AI Improvements
- Add Performant
*Dangerous performance mod, might remove?*
- Add Random Patches
- Add Snow Under Trees
- Add Polymorph
*Keeps crafting seperate with different mods*
- Removed Optifine
- Removed ftbees in KubeJS
- Disabled Resourceful Bees
*Useless mod?*
- Made bangades heal more
- Made weeping angels not freeze when looking at eachother
- Made weeping angels more rare
- Made BetterCaves spawn in The Abyss, Krat Dimension and Afterlight
- Reduce bleeding while wearing armor
- Reduce drowned spawning lightning

#Resource pack:
- <Updated some menus to be dark>
- Fix some icons for minimap

#Internal changes:
- Cleaned up some configs
- Updated few mods

[x]: Known issue - Chunk animator not working properly, asked chunk animator dev for more information, maybe fix soon? Another issue is AI problems with servers, possibly.

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Version Alpha7.26.22


[TODO]: Add more questing! Check out AI problems and questing problems. Gameplay changes for current diff stuff

#Gameplay changes:
- <Added more menu sounds>
*Very experimental!!*
- Added some menu animations
- <Add Better-Shields>
- <Add some basic quests>
*Powered by FTB Quests, some quests are now added!! Most dimension quests are unfinished! Expect more soon*
- Add Better Compatibility Checker
*Useful for checking server compatibility*
- Add Entity Culling
*Optimization effort*
- Made parasites spawn more
- Made only the nether enable expert mode
*Avoid conflict with abyss teleporting*

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Version Alpha7.25.22


[TODO]: Look into questing and adjust majruszs difficulty to not conflict with creeperai? Look into adding Better Compatibility Checker, look into adding better shields. Look into better optimization (entity culling, etc)

#Gameplay changes:
- <Add menu sounds>
*Very experimental!!*
- <Made MASTER MODE extremely hard, be careful!>
- <Made EXPERT MODE a little more challenging and rewarding>
*Please report any balancing issues*
- Disabled specialai
*An attempt to fix a crash*
- Increased guard villager health and regeneration rate
- Nerfed slime slowness time
- Updated nasty skeletons
#Internal changes:
- Clean up some unused configs

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Version Alpha7.13.22


- Fixed severe config error

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Version Alpha7.12.22


[TODO]: Look into questing and look into champs being op, adjust ai calling for help on death

#Gameplay changes:
- <Add Traveler's Titles>
*Titles that display for every biome and dimension*
- <Add Loot Games>
*Play a minigame for loot*
- <Add Majrusz's Progressive Difficulty>
*Difficulty that adjusts based on a milestone*
*Master mode unlocks when you enter the Abyss*
*Still need to adjust it more, maybe replace other AI with it*
- <Add The Abyss: Beginning>
*2 new dimensions!!*
- Remove DripSound
- Replace Dynamic Surroundings with Immersive FX
- Update few mods

#Internal changes:
- Clean up unused mods

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Version Alpha7.9.22


[TODO]: Look into questing and look into champs being op, adjust ai calling for help on death

#Gameplay changes:
- <Add Endergetic Expansion>
*Made dragon spawn spectre when crystals are destroyed*
- <Enable Awesome Dungeon for the end and overworld>
- <Nerfed nasty skeleton explosions>
*Made explosive arrows not drop armor*
*Made explosive arrows not break blocks*
- <Removed darkness from the end>
*Previously it was pitch black, confusing the player*
- <Updated Main Menu and tweaked other menus>
*Very experimental, please leave feedback*
- <Fixed crash when using emojiful>
*Was using an invalid file format for a specific emoji*
- Set debugModIdentification to true (NEC)
- Set forceCrashScreen to true (NEC)
- Adjusted leap modifier
- Whitelisted majority of chests from being griefed by zombies
- Increased water drop sounds
- Updated few mods

#Resource pack:
- Updated some cave ambient and boss music

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Version Alpha6.26.22


[NOTICE]: Older worlds may be unusable (you might need to reinstall the pack)

#Gameplay changes:
- <Add Blue Skies> (more adventure and dimensions)
- <Add sit> (allows you to sit on slab and stairs)
- <Add Titles> (allows player to display achevement titles beside them)
- <Add Rings of Ascension> 20+ new rings that give the player special effects
- <Add Wesley's Rouguelike Dungeons> (massive!!)
- Add "Classic bars" to change look of health UI
- Updated some menu UI stuff
- Updated loading screen so it actually uses the resource pack
- Made non hostile Herobrines able to spawn in the end
- Made weeping angels teleport players to a random place instead of structures
- Fix weeping angels being aggressive in creative mode (woops debug i forgor to disable lol)
- Slighty adjust infected mob spawn rate
- Slighty adjust weeping angels spawn rate
- Slighty adjust herobrine mage spawn rate
- Updated few mods

#Resource pack:
- Updated button and inventory colors

[TODO]: Still investigate progressing to quickly or slowly, check out playtesting, fix some new UI stuff, update some resource pack sound effects and music

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Version Alpha6.25.22


#Gameplay changes:
- <Add "Special AI"> (replacement for zombie awareness)
- <Add "Corpse" to replace gravestone mod> (a lot nicer and less chances of losing stuff)
- <Enabled PetFish> (new dimension)
- <Enabled The Afterlight> (new dimension)
- <Enabled infernal bugz> (new mobs)
- <Disabled zombie awareness> (too broken for game)
- Adjust fps to 30 when player is tabbed out
- Changed lavacow mod (undead rising) to work with quark
- Disabled desert tomb spawning from undead rising
- Disabled infernal expansion (pretty much useless, maybe reenable later)
- Disabled awesome dungeons in overworld and end
- Disabled dungeon crawl
- Disabled Dungeons Enhanced
- Disabled Hostile Water Monsters

#Resource pack:
- Updated some effects

this update fixes major crash issues for sure this time!!!
Fix endermites killing eachother? adjust weeping angel spawnrate, adjust cows being too hostile? investigate progressing too quickly or slowly, investigate epic fight mod to bring back sense of RPG

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Version Alpha5.7.22.0


[x]: This update should resolve major crashes, a huge step forward!

#Gameplay changes:
- Readd Hostile Water Mobs (bugfix helped mod not crash)
- Remove ChocolateFix
- Remove The Graveyard (crash fix?)
- Update a couple of mods

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Version Alpha0.3.0


#Gameplay changes:
- Add soul sand mobs (more mobs in soul sand valley)
- Add The Afterlight (new dimension)
- Add The Graveyard (scary structures and biome)
- Add Repurposed Structures (more structures)
- Add Aquamirae (underwater mobs and content)
- Add Dripsounds (sound enhancement)
- Add Chunk Animator (chunk enhancement)
- Add FeriteCore (advanced optimization fixes)
- Add Spawner Bug Fix (fixes a lag issue with spawners)
- Updated FancyMenu
- Updated BetterPVP
- Update some KubeJS scripts (for mods added)
- Fixed PlayerEntity for the main menu (this was a conflict with epic fight)
- Fixed Spiders 2.0 by disabling Epic Fight
- Disabled The One Probe from giving player a welcome sheet
- Disabled Epic Fight Mod (this is for crash reasons and for fixes)
- Disabled Hostile Water Mobs (unmaintained mod that crashes)
- Disabled iBugZ (maybe crashes pack?)

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Version Alpha0.2.0


The "I need more feedback for balancing changes update"

#Gameplay changes:
- Add villager respawning
- Add industrial foregoing (storage and automatic stuff)
- Add tinkers construct (liquids and more)
- Add crafttweaker (for some misc script stuff)
- Updated Resourceful bees config
- Updated some mods
- Made infected mobs even more rare
- Made nasty skeletons base health lower
- Made nasty skeletons potion effects lower
- Disabled "Magnetic" and "Paralyzing" affixes for champions

#Resource pack:
- Replaced most of normal music in survival mode
- Updated pack version for 1.16
- Fixed some mastering issues with music

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Version Alpha0.1.1


#Gameplay changes:
- Add apotheosis (special items and enchants)
- Add save my stronghold (bugfix)
- Add FPS Reducter (now when tabbed out less fps)
- Add Colytra (Elyrtas with chestplates)
- Add Morpheus (sleep votes)

#Resource pack:
- Updated some cave ambient

- Look into auto totem
- Look into KubeJS for new mods added

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Version Alpha0.1.0


#Gameplay changes:
- Adjusted zomber digger spawnrate
- Adjusted time player is allowed to sleep in beds
- Adjusted River Guardian spawnrate
- Adjusted MiniMap style
- Updated resource pack
- Made creepers not act like TNT
- Made Bedrock swords obtainable
- Made arrows do more damage to nasty skeletons
- Made xray mob chance rare
- Fix creepers bombing randomly due to xray
- Nerfed Creepers explosions
- Nerfed nasty skeleton health and potion effects
- Nerfed minimap to not display slimechunks
- Decreased chance of a charged creeper spawning
- Disabled more luck based "ranged" crit damage
- Disabled more luck based "melee" crit damage
- Disabled customization bar for main menu (i forgor to disable)
- Removed "Horror Movie Monsters" (attempted crash fix)

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Version Alpha0.0.2


#Gameplay Changes:
- <Added Goblin Traders> (like wondering traders)
- <Added Artifacts> (like relics)
- <Added Thermal Expansion> (engineering and more)
- <Added Resourceful Bees> (bees with benefits)

#Internal/Client Changes:
- <Added Dynamic Surroundings> (ambient sounds and more)
- <Added KubeJS> (fixed recipies and other stuff)
- <Added Emojiful> (emojis in chat)
- <Updated Main Menu>
- <Fixed options being reset with every new update>
- Tweaked RBees Config

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Version Alpha0.0.1


Alpha Release for testing,
TODO: configs, resource pack updates, balancing changes

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Latest Update

lilroc's The Dreading was updated to version SV2.19.23.0