Install Medieval Engineering

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Medieval Engineering) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Medieval Engineering from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Medieval Engineering Version 1.0

created by dabrowski on Minecraft 1.12.2


You're in the medieval period filled with mythical creatures and magic. Your mission is to bring your people to the modern era, Good Luck.


After creating a new world you cant brake the trees with your bare hands so what do you do? First get some flint and hit a stone block using it to get flaked flint. Next step is to get some sticks, just brake some leafs. Now you need some plant fiber to make a plant twine, to get plant fiber just brake some grass. Using JEI craft a flint hatchet. Now you can chop down trees :)


-Choose your biome wisely

-Food does not heal you need to craft bandages or plasters

-Torches can burn out

-Mobs will not spawn on surface unless they are mythical creatures like dragons

-Boil water before drinking

-Before the first night build a campfire because nights are 10x darker than normal


Here are some of the major mods included that have the biggest impact on the game so you know what to expect:

-Better With Mods |By primetoxinz

-Camouflaged Creepers |By georgetsak

-Electroblob's Wizardry |By Electroblob

-First Aid |By ichttt

-Hardcore Darkness |By Lumien231

-Ice and Fire |By alex1the1666

-Immersive Engineering |By BluSunrize

-Millenaire |By Kinniken

-PrimalCore |By Aun_Sar

-Reskillable |By lanse505

-Thaumcraft |By Azanor13

-Tough As Nails |By TheAdubbz


  • -Antique Atlas |By Hunternif
  • -AppleCore |By squeek502
  • -AutoRegLib |By Vazkii_
  • -Backpacks |By Eydamos
  • -Baubles |By Azanor13
  • -Better With Lib |By primetoxinz
  • -Better With Mods |By primetoxinz
  • -BetterFps |By Guichaguri
  • -Camouflaged Creepers |By georgetsak
  • -Chunk Animator |By Lumien 231
  • -Craftable Gorse Armour & Saddle |By EwyBoy
  • -CreativeCore |By CreativeMD
  • -Custom Main Menu |By Lumien 231
  • -Dynamic Surroundings |By OreCruncher
  • -Electroblob's Wizardry |By Electroblob
  • -First Aid |By ichttt
  • -FoamFix |By asiekierka
  • -Future MC |By thedarkcolour
  • -Hardcore Darkness |By Lumien231
  • -Heroic Armory |By skeddles
  • -Horse Power |By GoryMoon
  • -Hunger In Peace |By squeek502
  • -Ice and Fire |By alex1the16666
  • -Ignite HUD |By Deadzoke
  • -Immersive Engineering |By BluSunrize
  • -Inventory Tweaks |By Kobata
  • -IvToolkit |By Ivorforce
  • -JEI |By mezz
  • -Leo's Craftable Chainmail |By Leo40Twitch
  • -LLibrary |By _ForgeUser11902522
  • -Millenaire |By Kinniken
  • -MCA |By WildBamaBoy
  • -MysticalLib |By EpixSquid319
  • -No Recipe Book |By Seneshal_Luwin
  • -OreLib |By OreCruncher
  • -Pam's HarvestCraft |By pamharvestcraft
  • -Patchouli |By Vazkii_
  • -PeacefullSurface |By LainMI
  • -Potion Core |By Tmtravlr
  • -PrimalCore |By Aun_Sar
  • -Quality Tools |By Tmtravlr
  • -Quick Leaf Decay |By Lumien231
  • -RadixCore |By WildBamaBoy
  • -Reskillable |By lanse505
  • -Roguelike Dungeons |By greymerktv
  • -Serene Seasons |By Forsride
  • -Surge |By DarkhaxDev
  • -TAN Campfire Split |By WolfieWaffle
  • -Thaumcraft |By Azanor13
  • -Tough As Nails |By TheAdubblz
  • -Uppers |By vadis365
  • -VanillaFix |By Runemoro
  • -Waystones |By BlayTheNinth
  • -Wolf Armor and Storage |By satynidae
  • -Worley's Caves |By super_fluke