Mind of Reverse OptSrvPaq stands for Optional Server Pack. It's not needed to play on the server but it brings performance and gameplay improvements
What is Mind of Reverse?
Mind of Reverse is a Vanilla-friendly server which allows everyone to experience Fabric mods without the need to install them. The server came into existence from collaborative effort between two streamers - Reverse_FPS and OG_MrRubberDucky (me), I'm the one managing and administrating the server making sure it works well, Reverse_FPS is the one paying for it and moderating it as best as he can. Essentially, it was supposed to be a simple Vanilla server but I decided to step in and see what I can manage to spin out using only Fabric as my server software, I think I did great but I still need to polish it a little bit more.
Okay great, but what it has to do with this pack?
This server pack allows you to quickly connect to the server and has extra mods that enhance the experience, read "What's the purpose of this pack?" to know more. Also, it's expected that you will be playing on the server with this pack since it's tailored towards it and not so much for other servers, since some servers tend to hate minimap mods and some of the mods this pack has.
What's the purpose of this pack?
To provide people with extra client mods that help enhance the experience (ex. Minimap, Emotes) and make the Vanilla experience a little less annoying while also giving the best performance that Fabric performance mods can offer. It's not needed to download this pack to play on the server but with this you'll be able to use voice chat*, use shaders and other features such as being able to use Optifine's resourcepack features with Sodium, Sound Reverb system (with voice chat support) and so on. It's also not intended for this pack to be used in Singleplayer environment as all the magic is on the server. If you want good Singleplayer performance-oriented pack then Fabulously Optimized modpack is a better idea than this.
(* - although it's not included here in this pack, main menu will point you where to get it though :/)
What do I need to do?
All you need to do is click on the Quick Connect button in main menu and accept the resource pack! This is possible thanks to PolyMC and Polymer (+ many other server-side mods!) Alternatively if you don't want to use this modpack, you can connect via mindofreverse.modded.fun from a Vanilla client (we support 1.18-1.16), keep in mind that server is always in the works so it might have frequent downtimes, though I'll make sure to inform anyone currently on the server if such thing is about to happen.
I see there are two editions of the pack, which one should I get?
If you have fast storage, I would suggest getting Bobby Edition - It will precache chunks on your storage and load them back in everytime you hop back onto the server. If you get weird stuttering with Bobby Edition, I would suggest getting Farsight Edition instead. TECHNIC VERSION COMES BY DEFAULT WITH BOBBY EDITION
Thanks for considering downloading this pack or playing on the server, remember to leave some inputs in our Discord server (you can find it in main menu) to tell us what we can improve to make your experience better!