Join the fight in the final stand aginst the darkness... Assend from the depths of the burning abyss to reach the sky... Conquer the sky and take over the lands... survive and save all the others to...
- bspkrsCore
- TreeCapitatior
- aether_ii
- appliedenergetics2
- Baubles
- Bloodmoon
- Buidcraft
- CodeChickenLib
- CoFHCore
- conarm
- CookingForBlockheads
- coroutil
- CraftTweaker2
- CustomMainMenu
- DragonMounts
- DynamicSurroundings
- EnderCore
- EnderIO
- EnderStorage
- extrautils2
- ForgeMultipart
- fossilsarcheology
- GravityGun
- growthcraft
- Hwyal-Mod
- iceandfire
- iChunUtil
- InfernalMobs
- InventoryTweeks
- jei
- journeymap
- Ilibary
- Mantle
- Minions (Removed for stability issues)
- MrTJPCore
- NotEnoughItems
- OpenBlocks
- OpenModsLib
- OptiFine
- OreLib
- Pam's+HarvestCraft
- plustic
- PortalGun
- ProjectE
- ProjectRed Base
- ProjectRed compat
- ProjectRed fabrication
- ProjectRed intergration
- ProjectRed lighting
- ProjectRed mechanical
- ProjectRed world
- RandomThings
- RedstoneFlux
- ResourceLoader
- Tconstruct
- techguns
- Thaumcraft 6
- twilightforest
- worldedit
- zombieawareness
- Chisel