Install MineTek 4

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (MineTek 4) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select MineTek 4 from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

MineTek 4 Version

created by ScarecrowKrone on Minecraft 1.7.10 using Technic Solder

MineTek 4 updated to version


* Brandons Core
* Draconic Evolution
* EnderCore
* Matter Overdrive
* OpenPeripheralAIO
* Realistic Terrain Generation
* TreeCapitator


* AE2 Stuff to
* AOBD to 2.9.0
* bdlib to
* BigReactors to 0.4.3a
* Blue Power to 1.7.10-0.2.962-universal
* Carpenter's Blocks to v3.3.7-mc
* Chicken Chunks to 1.7.10-
* Chisel 2 to
* CoFHCore to 1.7.10-3.0.3-303
* CoFHLib to 1.7.10-1.0.3-175
* ComputerCraft to 1.75
* EnderIO to 1.7.10-
* Ender Storage to 1.7.10-
* Extra Cells to 1.7.10-2.3.7b176
* Extra Utilities to 1.2.12
* Forge ModLoader to 1.7.10-
* IronChest to 1.7.10-
* Mekanism to 1.7.10-
* MekanismGenerators to 1.7.10-
* MekanismTools to 1.7.10-
* MineTek Config to
* MineTweaker to 1.7.10-3.0.10b
* Mobius Core to 1.2.5
* NEI Addons to
* NotEnoughItems to 1.7.10-
* OpenModsLib to 1.7.10-0.9
* RFTools to 4.20
* Thermal Dynamics to 1.7.10-1.1.0-161
* Thermal Expansion to 1.7.10-4.0.3b1-218
* Thermal Foundation to 1.7.10-1.2.0-102
* WAILA to 1.5.10
* WAILA Harvestability to mc1.7.10-1.1.6


* Bibliocraft
* BiblioWoods - Biomes O' Plenty
* BiblioWoods - Forestry
* Biomes O' Plenty
* BuildCraft
* Chisel Facades
* DecoCraft
* Dense Ores
* Dynamic Lights
* EnderCompass
* EnderTech
* ExtraTiC
* Forestry
* Galacticraft Core
* Galacticraft Planets
* Gendustry
* Hats
* iChunUtil
* In Game Wiki
* ImmibisCore
* ImmibisPeripherals
* Jabba
* Malisis Adverts
* Malisis Core
* Malisis Doors
* Mantle
* Micdoodle Core
* Minefactory Reloaded
* MoreChisels
* Morph
* NetherOres
* OpenBlocks
* OpenComputers
* OpenEye
* OpenPeripheral-Addons
* OpenPeripheral-Core
* OpenPeripheral-Integration
* Pam's Harvestcraft
* PlayerAPI
* Railcraft
* Random Things
* Redstone Arsenal
* Simply Jetpacks
* Tinkers Construct
* Thaumcraft
* Thaumic Energistics
* Thaumic Tinkerer
* Thermal Smeltery
* TiC Tooltips
* Tinkers Mechworks
* Translocator
* TubeStuff
* TwilightForest
ScarecrowKrone posted a changelog update for MineTek 4 9 years ago


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Latest Update

MineTek 4 was updated to version