Solder is now fully restored, thank you for your patience.
Having some issues with Solder at the moment, please bear with us.
Server files can be found and downloaded by clicking the 'Server Download' button on the Platform page. You're welcome!
Newest version (2.8.5-rc2) will stay on Latest unless we have to mark it Recommended. It's just a switch from the AE2 alpha stream to the beta stream.
MineTek 4 was updated to version 2.8.5rc2 10 years ago
Barring major bugs, MineTek Reborn for 1.7.10 will not progress further than 3.x.
Upcoming builds will:
- Update Thaumcraft
- Update Chisel
- Update UE mods
- Update Tinker's Construct
- Something secretive.
I'm going to publish properly packaged server files soon, for versions 2.8.5 onwards.
Updated to 2.8.5. This fixes the Applied Energistics bug and the GUI crashes.
MineTek 4 was updated to version 2.8.5 10 years ago
MineTek 4 was updated to version 2.8.4 10 years ago
I will endeavour to update this modpack for the new Platform in the next couple of days.