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So what is going on? The server files are weird I can't just launch the cmd now.
thank minecraft EULA agreement for that. I cant setup the server anymore without it.
Forestry is not in updated version...
Getting a forge error - Missing radixcore : any ?
How's the update going...........?
i loved the original version, can't wait until you get all the kinks and download errors out of 1.7.1!
Great mod! Can I get the proper server files for 2.01 ? :D
is there a sever? my ign is michael4C
You should add Railcraft.
Magic ;)
I have a question, how did you compress the millenaire mod files?
Server is currently super exclusive Apply @ will b continue to be white listed until i can hammer out all of the server bugs.
What is the ip for the server?!?!?!?!?