Install Moonpug

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Moonpug) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Moonpug from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Moonpug Version 1.1.1

created by SocksyPug on Minecraft 1.7.10


  1. Ambient Sounds
  2. Animation API
  3. Applied Energistics
  4. Archimedes Ships
  5. Baby Animals mod
  6. Better HUD
  7. Binnie mods
  8. Cake is a Lie mod
  9. Carpenters Blocks mod
  10. Chococraft
  11. CodeChickenCore
  12. CoFHCore
  13. ComputerCraft
  14. Coral Reef mod
  15. Coroutil
  16. Dense Ores
  17. Dragon Mounts
  18. Dynamic Lights
  19. EnderCore
  20. Ender IO
  21. Ender Storage
  22. Ender Tanks mod
  23. Ex Nihilo
  24. Extra Planets mod
  25. Extra TiC
  26. Extrautilities
  27. Fastcraft
  28. Flans mod
  29. Forestry
  30. GalacticraftCore
  31. Galacticraft Planets
  32. Gravity Gun mod
  33. Hats
  34. HatStand
  35. Hopper Ducts mod
  36. iChunUtil
  37. IndustrialCraft 2 - experimental
  38. Inventory Tweaks
  39. Ironchest
  40. JABBA
  41. Journeymap Unlimited
  42. Just Enough Calculation mod
  43. Laser Creeper Robot Dino Riders From Space
  44. Mantle
  45. MicdoodleCore
  46. Modular Powersuits
  47. More Materials
  48. Mutant Creatures
  49. Mystcraft
  50. NEI Addons
  51. Nether Ores
  52. Not Enough Codecs
  53. NotEnoughItems
  54. Numina
  55. Open Blocks
  56. OpenModsLib
  57. Optifine HD_U_D6
  58. Paddle Boats mod
  59. Paintball mod
  60. Pam's HarvestCraft
  61. PetBat
  62. Pig Companion mod
  63. Potal Gun
  64. (PotalGunSounds.pak)
  65. Power Converters
  66. Random Things mod
  67. Reptile mod
  68. SecurityCraft
  69. ShaderModCore
  70. ShetiPhianCore
  71. Steamcraft mod
  72. Tinker's Construct
  73. TextureGeneratorLib
  74. TheKitchenMod
  75. Thermal Dynamics
  76. Thermal Expansion
  77. Thermal Foundation
  78. Thermal Smeltery mod
  79. TiC Tooltips mod
  80. Tinker's Mechworks
  81. WAILA
  82. WAILA Harvestability
  83. WAILA Plugins
  84. Weather 2
  85. WhalesPlus
  86. Wild Mobs mod
  87. Wolf Armour Storage mod
  88. WTFCaveBiomes
  89. WTFCore

v 1.1

  1. Custom Main Menu


  1. Modern Warfare Content Pack
  2. Nerf Content Pack
  3. Simple Parts Content Pack

Thanks :D

Latest Update

Moonpug was updated to version 1.1.1