Install Munchlax 1.12.2

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Munchlax 1.12.2) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Munchlax 1.12.2 from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Munchlax 1.12.2 Version 5.9

created by Foulest on Minecraft 1.12.2

Polished, yet familiar Pixelmon modpack.

Made with love by Foulest.

List of Mods

AI Improvements

Improves the performance of the AI of entities.


Displays your hunger & saturation stats.


Adds Terraria-inspired baubles for adventuring.


Adds backpack storage into the game.

Better Caves

Improves various aspects of cave generation.

Better FPS

Improves overall game performance.

Better Mineshafts

Improves various aspects of mineshaft generation.

Biomes O' Plenty

Adds new expansive and beautiful biomes into the game.

Censored ASM

Heavily improves Minecraft's memory usage.


Adds new ways to modify and decorate existing blocks.

Chunk Generation Limiter

Limits chunk generation speed to improve performance.


Adds a search bar to the keybinds menu.

Custom Main Menu

Makes the main menu more customizable.

Dynamic Trees

Enhances vanilla trees, making them beautiful and detailed.

Enchanting Plus

Allows you to pick the exact enchants you want.

Enchantment Descriptions

Adds descriptions to enchantments.

Entity Culling

Hides entities that aren't visible for better performance.

Foam Fix

Improves the game's performance and memory usage.

FPS Reducer

Automatically reduces background FPS to save on resources.

Future MC

Adds future Minecraft content to older versions.


Adds overworld maps, minimaps, and waypoints to your HUD.

Just Enough Items

Adds an index of every item in the game to your inventory.


Allows villagers to maintain their villages.

Rotten Flesh to Leather

Allows smelting rotten flesh into leather in furnaces.

Macaw's Bridges

Adds new bridge blocks into the game.

Macaw's Doors

Adds new door blocks into the game.

Macaw's Fences

Adds new fence blocks into the game.

Macaw's Furniture

Adds new furniture blocks into the game.

Macaw's Paintings

Adds new paintings into the game.

Macaw's Paths

Adds new path blocks into the game.

Macaw's Roofs

Adds new roof blocks into the game.

Macaw's Trapdoors

Adds new trapdoor blocks into the game.

Macaw's Windows

Adds new window blocks into the game.

More Overlays

Adds chunk boundary and light overlays to the client.

Nature's Compass

Allows players to locate any biome in the world.


Improves game performance and graphical issues.

Particle Culling

Hides particles that aren't visible for better performance.

Pixelmon Reforged

The main mod of the modpack; adds Pokemon to Minecraft.


Adds exciting new caves and quality of life improvements.

Random Patches

Fixes miscellaneous bugs in Minecraft.

Resource Pack Organizer

Improves the resource pack menu.

Screenshot to Clipboard

Copies screenshots to your clipboard.

Smooth Font

Improves the font rendering performance.

Storage Drawers

Adds a new organized way to store your items.


Improves the game's performance and stability.

Tidy Chunk

Cleans up chunks after they've been generated.

Toast Control

Hides annoying 'toasts' from being visible.

Toggle Sneak

Allows the player to toggle sneaking and sprinting.


Unloads dimensions that aren't in use.


Adds waystones around the map that act as waypoints.

Other Mods

ArtemisLib, AttributeFix, Baubles, BedBugs, BetterBiomeBlend, BiomeColorizer, BlockOverlayFix, Bookshelf, BOP Patch, Born In A Barn, Chameleon, Collective, ContainerFix, CTM, DefaultOptions, Ding, DynamicTreesBOP, DynamicTreesPHC, DynamicTreesQuark, EntityDesyncFix, Forgelin, JustEnoughIDs, JustEnoughResources, McMouser, MixinBooter, NetherPortalFix, NoNVFlash, Placebo, QuarkOddities, RenderLib, Resource Loader, Sampler, YARCF

Latest Update

Munchlax 1.12.2 was updated to version 5.9